Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, April 13, 2015

Henry: 10 Months

Well, we're a week late! Unfortunately it has been a crazy couple of weeks, and we couldn't nail down taking his picture!!! Part of the reason is that Henry has been extremely cranky due to some serious teething action! And mommy hasn't been sleeping much ;-) Despite all the middle of the night nonsense, here are some highlights from Henry's 10th month:

The first picture I took, and the only one of him actually smiling. He couldn't stop messing with the h and the sticker. Here we come toddlerville!

  • Henry weighs 19lbs 13oz! 
  • He now has four teeth, and according to the doctor, three more are desperately trying to make their appearances. Hence my increased coffee intake.
  • He is showing dissatisfaction. I don't know if it is a combination of teething and growing up, or just growing up, but whenever I'm strapping him in to something he now puts up a big fuss (And then is happily on his merry way like nothing happened. Oy.)
  • It is fascinating to watch him figure out how things work. He's playing with his toys with a lot more attention, grabbing things that I don't think he can see or reach, and is constantly in exploratory mode. I need to up my child proofing game STAT.
  • He now thinks any phone call is FaceTime and is constantly straining to see the screen. Sorry bud, not everything is about video calls.
  • He is making a ton of progress with crawling! Eek that will be happening soon....
  • He has regressed a bit with food because of the teething, barely eating and making me so concerned. Turns out, it happens!
Less than two months until he is one. I can't believe that this guy has been outside my belly longer than he was in it. I can't believe that he listens to me with rapt attention, looks at me when I say his name, and finds Lambeau at every moment possible. He is growing to be so inquisitive and funny, and we're excited for even more development to come!

Happy 10 Months Little Lion Man!
This sweater was custom made by a family member, it is the most gorgeous sweater!!!  I had to distract him with Daddy's All Star baseball to try to get another good picture. Alas, the h won out. Disclaimer: I'm a Yankees fan. Brian gets the sports teams.

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