Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, May 21, 2009

5 Months married....engaged a year ago...going to COLDPLAY!

SOOOO I've had off all this week, and have done nothing and everything. The only thing that stinks is that my husband has been working! BOOOOOOOOOOO. And maybe he's a little jealous that I've been doing nothing ;-) No honey I love you!

Yesterday (In case you noticed the counter that I just can't let go of!) we "celebrated" being married for 5 months! Awwwww. Now, it wasn't a "let's get a card chocolate and flowers" day, no it was more like, "Have a good day at work Bri!" "See you...Happy 5 months!" "No! You remembered before me!" "Ha ha, I finally got you!" He said with a coy smile. Darn you Miller! However, I got over my defeat and we went to dinner at Mexican, met up with our friends at the Bohemian Garden, then he dropped me off at Indigo where my friends were eating "All you can eat crabs" and I don't eat seafood, so I went for the AWESOME COMPANY! (Sandy Janina and others from school!) We had a great time. But wait, where was Brian going?! OH YES! HE WAS GOING TO PICK UP THE COLDPLAY TICKETS HE BOUGHT FROM SOMEONE IN THE CITY!!!

Below is a picture of the last time we went to a Coldplay concert:

Yes yes we got ENGAGED at the last coldplay concert! I posted in my blog A LONG time ago, please find the rest of the pictures if you haven't seen it, he was TRULY steller, romantic, and surprised me! ...Please notice in the picture all my rings. I used to wear lots of rings. Now I only wear my wedding band/ring. Hmmmm. Maybe I should find my opal, garnet and sapphire again...but Coldplay in Connecticut this weekend is going to rock out, I can't wait! Chris Martin, you're a genius.

Now it's story time. Two nights ago I had a really bad headache because I was tired. So I drank a glass of wine and relaxed and blogged and facebooked. Well, it went away thankfully, and I made yummy cheesy chicken quesadillas. And, beyond Brian's wildest dreams, I rented Bride Wars! He was so excited (Um yea no), but took one for the team and put it on. WELL, mysteriously, our remote for the dvd player has our STUDIO we couldn't get it to play. Poor Brian had to miss out on the movie while I watched it on the laptop and he had to suffer through the NBA playoffs. Poor guy. Anyway, he said, "Have a glass of wine and relax with the girly movie." So I did...and after the one before and quesadillas...heartburn. SHOOT. So I started guzzling water. Milk prob would've been better. Finally we go to sleep and I'm halfway there and "Hiccup". That's my hiccup by the way. Oh yes, they wouldn't stop! I start whining bc I just want to go to sleep...Bri starts googling ways to get rid of hiccups, I start guzzling pepto bismal for heartburn while hiccuping still, I drank about a gallon of water, stood on my head, ugh. Finally we gave up and fell asleep with the hiccupping...thankfully I woke up without them.

And that's the tale of the dreadful hiccups!


  1. How often are you running?
    How many miles do you have on your shoes?

    I had knee issues for a while before I ran my first marathon. During my first marathon is when everything broke down. I got a little over halfway and I couldn't run anymore because my knee was killing me. Then...darn ankle killed me. So, after the marathon I went and saw a chiropractor. He is the best thing that's ever happened to my running. I honestly would not be running if it was not for him. You may want to seek out a good chiro (cuz there are plenty of flaky chiros out there), make sure you get a good one.

    Concrete...all the time...ick. You poor thing. First thing would be to make sure you're shoes are not worn out. Usually when I start feeling achy, my first thought goes to my shoes to see if I need to replace them. They say you can usually get around 400-500 miles out of your shoes, I normally switch mine out anywhere from 300-400.

    If you're not in to chiros and would rather see a doctor, make sure you see one that understand runners. If you go to a doctor that doesn't understand runners and runners issues, you are more apt to hear, "just quit running". Well that doesn't work for most runners.

    Let me know if you have any more questions! And happy 5 months 1 day anniversary. Have a great time at Cold Play this weekend.

  2. O man you can always pick out the one who had too much to drink.... the hiccups

  3. Your so cute Kristin. Love the picture. :)

  4. hey girl thanks for your comment. What kind of hydro belt do you have and where did you get it (you can send me a message on facebook)
    I so wish we lived closer to each other we could run together. I am running my first race 9/13 wish me luck.

  5. Kristen-Regarding my 'running lifestyle'...LOL...One...I eat pretty much whatever I want, and on occasion it does consist of fried food. I do try to eat well, but I am certainly not (in any way, shape or form) a super healthy eating person. I eat at McDonald's and we have Mexican food. I LOVE sweets and have been told on more than one occasion I run because I like to eat. It really boils down to calories in...calories out-regarding weight. Now, I do try to eat halfway healthy most of the time simply because of training and how I feel when I eat better. When I eat better, my training goes better. I am tuned enough to know how I feel when I run is a direct result of what I've eaten. As far as acholol is concerned, yes we drink, on a social basis. We have a kegarator downstairs and also Doug makes his own wine, so it's certainly something that is around the house.

    I don't follow a particular schedule, and like I've mentioned before, Doug was a Team In Training coach not so long ago and I follow that type of training and then tweak it to fit what I'm training for. I usually run 3 times a week. Two times during the week, usually Tuesday and Thursday (not back to back days and then my long run on Saturdays. The other days I cross train. Right now I've JUST started training for a Half Ironman so there will be a lot more focus on my swimming and particually my biking, but I'll still keep running 3 times a week.

    Does that make any sense? I feel I have rambled. Do you feel you're overtraining? I would think if you trained properly for your half, you should be recovered by now. Since I'm a slow back of the pack runner and don't take my running too seriously and certainly not a natural, I sometimes think that some of the training schedules out there are too extensive for beginners.

    What sort of training are you doing? I'm not familiar with the schedule you mentioned. How are your ankles and feet feeling now?


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