Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Swine flu, working out, and a glass of chardonney

SOOOOOOOOO! Last Thursday 270+ kids were absent from my school of 1400+ kids...and then 70 or so were sent home...AHHHHHH closed because of the swine flu! We have so many prego teachers, and so many low income families, they had to close. Thanks NYC! So I have to go back to work this Friday, which rolls into a 3 day weekend...sweet as long as I or prego teachers don't get sick! ;-)

I've been working out like WHOA for the past 3 days. Did eliptical Sunday and weights etc, 8 miles Monday, Eliptical and weights today, and hoping for another 8 miles tomorrow! I've been pretty sore though, my knee (Which I broke twice...once at 7mo's and once at 7 y/o), and ankles are hurting. ANY ADVICE ABOUT SORE ANKLES? My husband is banning me from running tomorrow, but we all know the itch will not die!

What have I been doing with my free time since last Thursday night, when I found out the news that I would get 5 days vacation paid? Well, I've been cooking, working out, cleaning, and having the occassional chard. Amazing. I really love wine. I'm in the mood for a vineyard. I wish CT had a vineyard area (That's where Bri and I are going this weekend for Memorial Day and a COLDPLAY CONCERT!)

That's all for now...I'll write more tomorrow...I'm making cheesy quesadillas tonight, a better alternative to the "typical" quesadillas! Keep running readers, you can do it! Another mile run is another mile behind you!



  1. about sore ankles.. check out the blog on my blog roll "chic runner" she is a marathon trainer and recently described in detail ice baths for legs an ankles

  2. ok so my sister got me hooked on real housewives of NYC! lmao so a guilty pleasure!

  3. Thanks for stopping by. YES, we loved the Green Bay Marathon. It was a great time. The course was nice, a lot of concrete (which is tough on the body), but besides that, it was nice. Running the track at the stadium was a ton of fun too and if your husband is a huge fan, this may be something you two may want to check out for next year. They even had the pasta party yes...which was free and they had free beer also from one of the local micro breweries), on the concourse at the stadium and packet pick up was at the stadium so he should get his fill. Green Bay is also a very cute little town, we really enjoyed all aspects of the whole weekend.

    I briefly read some of your past posts and it looks like you're running a lot. You may want to take some time off to let your body rest. Also, you may want to take an aspirin a day to help cut the inflammation in your body. Just a couple suggestions...

    And I don't mean to suggest Sarah is wrong, but Chic Runner is not a marathon trainer. She hasn't even run a marathon as of yet herself. She has run half marathons and is getting ready to run her first marathon, but she is right when it comes to ice baths. They are mainly used to cut down the inflammation as well. I don't think you need an ice bath for your ankles, I would just use an ice pack (I use frozen peas) and ice for 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off (repeat a couple of times). If you want, you can soak your feet ankle deep in the tub. It's just not worth getting your whole body in an ice bath for just your ankles and feet, that's just cruel!

    Okay, I think that's enough from me! Let me know if you want more info on Green Bay or anything else.


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