Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, June 7, 2009

10k was CRAZY!

Today I ran the oldest all women's race in NYC history....the All Women's mini10k! I ran with my college roommate Haeme (GREAT JOB HAEMSTER!) and my church friend Laurie (Seriously, you're a beast!) Haeme ran in 1:01, Laurie ran it it in 51:00, and as for me...

WELLLLLLLL I had a PERSONAL BEST in my 10k! For those of you who are my facebook friends, you know full well (My status says it all!). For those of you who don't know, a 10k is about 6.2 miles.The races I have run are usually 5 miles or 4.75 miles (My hometown Thanksgiving race that I've run for years!), and I was hoping to run a quick race to see if all my training had paid off....well, it did! I was aiming for under 60 minutes, which is pretty fast for me, and I accomplished this goal! My official time was 59:27!!! I did a 29:28 split, and averaged a 9:35 mile! I'm not TOO into time/miles etc, but I really worked hard on this one! Midway I got an upset stomach becuase I drank gatorade on an almost empty stomach (1 piece of toast, big mistake!), but I powered through! I'm totally not sore which is awesome, because I struggled with a sore knee/ankles for a few weeks after my half in April.

As for my strategy for this race, I wanted to see how fast I could go! I really didn't know what my limits were. I sprinted in the beginning, because the crowd was pissing me off and I had all this pent up excitement. Once I got into my rythm, I realized how distracted I get in races! I just go with the flow because the "crowd" is moving along, so I started weaving again in mile 5. And it was HOT, SOOOOOOOO hot! Thank God for spray stations...I call them wet tshirt contests! I hope no ladies were offended...and there were some good contestants!

The difference in this race was focus. I REALLY wanted to do well. I broke my best time this year at the Thanksgiving Day race...the crowds (13,000+) make it hard to get a good start, but I wanted to do it in under 50 minutes, and I beat it by just a few seconds thankfully. For this race, I wanted to average 10 minute miles, and totally NAILED it with 9:35 miles! I'm so stoked really. 10k is an amazing race, I want more! But it was REALLY hot. Even at 9am. I'm looking forward to my half in September...

Oh did I mention the half in September?! Yes. I'm doing a Half Marathon with the aforementioned Laurie (Her blog will be noted when my picutres are posted!) in the Hamptons, yes the infamous HAMPTONS in Long Island. Thankfully my bestest coworker Alyssa is from there and her mom has agreed to house us in her incredible home for the race, instead of us spending $300+ per hotel room! The course is al along the beach and beautiful, I can't wait.

So maybe I'm toying with a marathon. I love running. I was thinking of the ING Hartford Marathon in October (That's my hometown...CT baby!), but really, Brian has expressed his HIGH intrest in the Green Bay marathon next May (If I knew how to post the link I would!). The draw for Brian, a DIE HARD Packers fan (*I* haven't missed a game in the past three seasons...) is the end of it runs through the player's tunnels and onto Lambeau Field; aka my husband's DREAM! So, we'll see. I decided I'm going to build up my miles like crazy, then see if I can do a 20 mile run. If I can do that, I can run a marathon.

BTW, did I ever mention ICY HOT?! Yea, the most amazing thing ever! It's really helped my feet/knees post longer-ish runs (6 miles +) It smells like pepto bismal, and my husby hates it; but really, it has helped me maintain and continue training. I'm 2lbs down and 6lbs from goal weight. I'm working out tomorrow and taking a spinning class with my college/teaching fellows BFF Meg. Burning those EXTRA calories.

How was your weekend? Stay active. Set a goal. Exceed it.


  1. wet t-shirt contest hahaha your too funny

  2. WOOHOO!! Congrats (again!) on the 10K yesterday -- way to DOMINATE! I totally agree -- I didn't know what to expect out of that distance, but I LOVED it and it felt AWESOME -- BRING ON MORE 10Ks!


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