Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Running blues

So let's just say, I've been looking forward to working out all day. I mean ALL DAY. Since last night. I found out my college has a nice gym, and if I come straight from school I can get at least a 45 min workout in before my FIVE HOURS of sitting begins. So back to today. I knew I wanted to go running because today we had a special "potluck lunch". Now, this was no ordinary lunch. I'm talking TRUE ethnic foods; Jamaican jerk chicken, chili, rice and beans, chicken salad, lo mein, zuchinni and asparagus pie; all HOMEMADE. Plus for dessert we had a black russian cake AND flan. I know I know; need I say more?! Anyway, I ate a lot at, let's be honest. I was good with the food, even though it was incredible, but I had a piece of flan AND two pieces of chocolate cake. My friend Alyssa said, "Wow Kristin, I've never seen you eat cake, let alone that much!" Yes ladies, I lost control for a minute. But it was gooooooooooooooooood! Anyway, so you can all understand my added insistence that I exercise before class.

I jumped through all their hoops; I got my form filled out, printed my current semester bill; EVERYTHING. but alas, I took out my student id last night and forgot to put it back in my wallet. They wouldn't let me near the gym. I'm SO angry. I was so pumped and then completely let down. On top of that, I tried to leave my bags with security so I could at least get a run outside done, but noooooooooooooo, can't do that either (honestly, I'd be stupid to leave my bags with a stranger, security or no security, but I was desperate). So here I am, in my running clothes, in the library, sad. SO sad. Ugh. I have runners blues.

Tomorrow it's going to rain. No running outside then either.

Saturday I work at the restaurant and I NEVER muster the energy to run in the morning...I usually make us a nice breakfast. Sunday is the race. At least there's going to be good weather for that.


  1. Aww, I'd be bummin' too -- in fact, yesterday I had planned to run between work and CG, but alas the rain got in the way (I didn't want to run in my new shoes, to guarantee they'll be good and dry for Sunday; I also didn't want to run in my old shoes, to save my legs for Sunday). I sat at my desk and pouted instead.

    No time to run today or tomorrow either, though I will get in a speed workout (C3Shape!) Saturday.

    Just think, at least our legs will be good and fresh for the race Sunday!


  2. ummm at least you can run.. nasty spider bite on my leg hurts like heck when I run


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