Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, October 4, 2009

moved in, yes. unpacked, no.

I hate moving. Let me say it again: I HATE MOVING. Seriously. I lived in the same house all of my life. my husband moved 13 times (military kid) and subsequently, because of my sickness, took over the packing. Well, we're moved! The unpacking has started, and will continue/end/wish it will end tomorrow. Bri is going to work at 9, I have till about 5 to unpack and organize (we have church at 6). The picture above is my next door neighbor. And no, this isn't any ordinary grocery store, it's an INTERNATIONAL grocery store, with all sorts of cool things. And when I say next door, I mean 15 feet from my front door. Ladies, this could be good/dangerous.

In other news, We're still trying to adopt a puppy (facebook friends know this), an English Bulldog to be precise. I'll keep you updated. And I'm joining the new gym tomorrow. Completely UNSORE from the half marathon = amazing. AND I waited on a major player in the Guinness franchise at the restaurant today...very good tipper. Serving Saturday coming tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. How fun to have an international market right next door... don't spend you whole paycheck. How exciting to be adopting a puppy.. they are a ton of work but so fun to have around!


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