Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

alright seriously I'm so busy

AGH SOOOOOOO Here are the causes of my recent departure from blogging YET AGAIN:

- I got sick. Well, I was sick for half of September, and my little cold turned into bronchitis. Pretty sure I have accute bronchitis because I get it every time I get a cold. I finally got an prescription right after we moved, and then the next week I got a 48 hour bug; fever, dizziness, nauseous, the whole shabang. So yea, I'm finally feeling healthyish. Oh yes, and I coughed so hard I pulled a muscle right around the top of my rib cage, which has moved from being a STABBING PAIN every time I moved to an intense pinch. Running/gym has not happened in a while...since my half marathon...this needs to strange. Body, get yourself together and be HEALED!

- Work has been nuts. My commute is about 10-15 minutes longer, and has made me OCD with leaving early and ensuring I have a good 20-30 minutes to get my act together before classes begin. This means less sleep, more train time...and boy do I have stories!

- College classes are NUTS. I have one paper due this week, one huge one next week, and another the week after...they just keep coming! And with readings! This is getting a bit overhwelming, but I have to keep reminding myself that after this semester (Which can't end soon enough, I will only be taking one class next semester and I will be DONE!

- I am doing a Friday Club at my school. This means I stay for an extra 2 hours Friday afternoons and teach YOGA! I'm actually excited for this, first of all for the pay (It's like double time), but also because I get to help kids learn healthy lifestyle habits, which my kids NEED!

- Trying to be a wife. Shoutout to my Brian, he is seriously the best husband in the world. From waking up and making me bagels for breakfast, letting me turn on the light to find my clothes while he's sleeping, taking out the garbage, washing dishes, getting my prescriptions, unpacking, paying bills, dealing with the CRAZY cable people, and loving me despite being under the weather WAY longer than one should be, he is seriously the best husband in the world. I read the letter he wrote to me on our wedding day last night and I cried. He is more than I could have asked or imagined for.

Alright, enough of the gushing and soft stuff! HOW'S THE RUNNING?!?!? I'm so lost without it, and can't wait to be back in the game! Brian is joining me for the Thanksgiving day race.

Oh yes, and I turn 25 on the 25th, this Sunday. GOLDEN BIRTHDAY HERE I COME!


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