Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getting back in the game...

My puppy love is getting so big! I can't feel his ribs anymore, and then suddenly one morning I realized, he feels HEAVIER! Aw my baby is growing up. Shoot. I'm officially one of those lunatic people who talks to her dog like a baby.
Ok, confession time. I ran last Sunday with Laurie , and it was great. Felt good, 3 miles, decent speed, I was back. Monday came and I had tons of work to do. Tuesday was parent teacher conference so I was at school pretty much from 7:30am-7:30pm. Wednesday I spent the whole day writing a paper I thought was due that night, but was, in fact, due THIS upcoming Wednesday night. I went to the gym after class because I spent all day writing said (10page) paper, and only got 2 miles in the treadmill before I had to call it quits. TOO HOT in the gym! Made me nauseous. Blech. Thursday NO running, work then class till 9:10. Friday was yoga club, which for me isn't a work out because half the time I walk around check kids (Yoga club will be explained below). Saturday I waited tables, which is a huge workout, but not the kind I needed or wanted. And today, well, I was focused on home things; making a casserole, cleaning the kitchen, did a little Christmas shopping while watching Green Bay kick COWBOYS BUTTS!, and now it's my bedtime. Sigh. So confession: MY goal last week was 18 miles. I did 5. FAILURE. This week I have a new plan:

15 miles. PLUS, I am not allowed to get a gingerbread latte if I don't run in the morning. I'm starting smaller and working my way up.

This means getting up at 5am to go to the gym. EW. It grosses me out. I only get a 'special' starbucks drinks when I have to go to school at night, because I change trains in Times Square, where there is a starbucks RIGHT outside the subway station...convenient...tempting...I fall for the 200 calorie grande skim no whip gingerbread latte every time. So, new resolve: No "healthy-ish" gingerbread lattes for me if I do not exercise in the morning. I am determined. I am purposeful. I am SO not looking forward to this...but maybe I am in a sick sort of way.

Product review: Trader Joe's Gingerbread Coffee = AMAZING. Seriously. This stuff is goooooood. This is why I don't get a gingerbread latte everyday, because this is a superb substitute without the milk, fat, sugar etc, and it needs to be in your pantry NOW! I heard the winter blend from Trader Joe's is also exceptional, so I will get it and product review it asap.

Please kick me in the butt...I'm so used to not working out that I'm in a rut...and I have a 4.78mile turkey day race next week with Brian! Eek! My tall guy is going to show me up big time!


  1. your tall guy. hhaaha.

    pretty sure i'm all talk because i STILL haven't made it to the gym once since we've had any sort of discussion about gyms in life. i really want to start going in the mornings, but for some reason, i never decide to go. what time are you at the gym until? i wish you went at 6 instead of 5....

  2. it was a great game wasn't it?!? I was pretty pumped. the defense played awesome. :) The Pack winning on sunday literally makes my week start on the right foot.

    I totally set reward/goals like that for myself... if it works go for it! :)

  3. im sad my cowboys lost and that i had to work and miss the game!

  4. Your dog is so cute! I'm a follower of your blog now.
    Started one of my own this new year.
    The Blessings Of Modern Domestication
    BTW Happy New Year :-)


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