Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My schedule...

My puppy Lambeau..pronounced Lam-bow...the 13th love...I have 3 nieces and 8 nephews... 12 grandkids in my family.... 13th love?! Well, Kate is having her SECOND kid *(Who I think is a boy...but I haven't seen her! I've been right 90% of the time...) Lambeau is MY baby. He knows me as mommy. He knows I'm STRICT and LOVING. He's the best puppy ever, almost FULLY potty trained and a LOVING boy...all he needs is a strong guiding CRATE TRAINED hand which he is getting!

This is me turning 25 on 10/24/09 at 11:30pm:My hubby Brian (affectionately known as Bri) planned a PERFECT bday weekend! Saturday night: Birthday dinner with friends...4 different couples who didn't know each other but LOVED each other. AKA amazing. Brunch on Sunday was my college friends...and then Green Bay lost...WEEK RUINER.

Ok this deleted because of my stupid Vaio. I LOVE MY VAIO. Maybe it's blogger and facebook, but seriosly, when I click something BAM on the previous pg with no abilite to go back! Here's why I've been MIA...

So, happy bday 11/4 to the previously mentioned Kate! She's awesome and expecting...I love my sissy and get sad when she doesn't text me (I'm blessed with 3 AMAZING Sisters: Melissa, also known as Meliss, Jennifer also Known as Jen, and Katelyn, also known as Kate...Kate is my clostest in age...but we all have the middle name ANN!)

Anyway, here's my schedule, in case you were wondering schedule:

Mon: Work 8:10 - 3:07; really, arrival is at 7:35am (Homework in the evening) make a GREAT dinner

Tue: Same as Monday (Homework in the evening) Make a dinner with leftovers

Wed: 8:10-3:07 work, 4:50-7:20 college, homework done in breaks, on the subway, etc (hopefully Bri has leftovers

Thu: 8:10-3:07 work, 4:50-7:20 the HARDEST class, thesis class 7:30-9:10...I haven't weighed myself.

Every other day: I'm going up stairs, eating healthily, I'm doing as much activity, and I'm about to go back to the gym, maybe even Sunday. Go back to the gym, why do you ask? I pulled a muscle during EARLY October due to Bronchitis in my upper rib cage/chest, therefore disabling me working-out wise in every which way. The pain can't be described: laughing, pain. Turning, pain. walking, pain.

Now I'm back.

I have some inspirational stories for later. But how are you?!

1 comment:

  1. Cutest pic ever!

    I need to get my butt back to working out. I have been such a slacker! I say that as I sit on the couch this beautiful Saturday morning when I should be outside running.


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