Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bahamas in two weeks.

Yes it's true. I'm SO not ready for bathing suit weather! UGHHHHH. Wii fit informed me that my weight is only 3lbs more than my goal weight....but I know that weight has NO muscle! Running has been such a struggle, but I'm sticking with it. I haven't gone over 4.5 miles yet. SHAME. I'm aiming for 5-6 miles tomorrow. I've been doing some outside/night runs which have been different but fun, but now that it's 15 degrees and feels like 4 degrees, that has ended for the time being! I feel like my puppy dog in the picture above...staring outside without the energy to keep going...

I'm struggling with energy. It's the winter blues I guess. I really want to run, but the energy to get going at 5pm just isn't there after working all day. My sister is signing up for the half marathon with me though. This has been a motivator... but she's just better than me! She's a stay at home mom (CRAZY BUSY) but gets to go to the gym once a day. I on the other hand, can barely manage it. She's a machine, she even won her indoor triathalon! GO JEN GO JEN GO JEN! Oh yes, and did I mention she's a thirty something mother of THREE children under 7? Yea. I'm ashamed. But I do have two jobs; at least that's what I keep telling myself ;-)

Any tips for energy???

And now I've got that tickle in my throat, runny nose and I'm all light headed. Why me? WHY ME?! At least it's before the Bahamas....


  1. Oh my! Hopefully you're not getting sick too. I just got over bronchitis! uggh.

    Bahamas will be a much needed break for you. Two jobs and being a wife and taking care of the house is tough!

    Miss you, how have you been??

  2. Bahamas would be wonderful in this cold winter, dark time of year. Have a blast and bring back some WARM sunshine :-)
    BTW feel better pal!


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