Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Oh, it's on

My brother Jaime likes to say that whenever something dramatic happens. I find it funny.

ANYWAY. Sunday I did a 4.5 mile run outside to punish myself in the cold. I would've gone to the gym, but I had too much backed up housework (Not an excuse....laundry is STILL so backed up...Brian had the flu and was bed ridden for a full week, therefore my laundry person and extra help person was MIA! I missed his help - he's the bestest).

Took the day off yesterday - my lovely friend Alyssa is moving SIX BLOCKS FROM ME! We went apartment hunting and she got a GREAT space - and then Lambeau's puppy training school (He graduates next week!)

Today I went to the gym and did 3 miles in 27+ minutes....I think it was 27:34 or something. That's pretty darn good for me, TRUST ME. Gym was WAY crowded so I did abs at home. All in all a productive week so far.

Off to watch Biggest Loser cheering for my friend Drea on the black team!!!

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