Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blog from vacation land...

So far on vacation we....
- traveled to Annapolis MD and had the best time!
- Celebrated Lambeau's birthday
- Arrived in Virginia Beach
- Played with my nephews!
- Let Lambeau run free as a bird on the beach for the first time
- Ate a donut from the market :-) / :-(

So far on vacation I...
- Ran 3 miles, 4 miles, 7 miles.
- Biked 7.25 miles then did a mile with my sister Jennifer
- Rest day for a long run.

What I will do on vacation...
- Two a days
- Long runs
- Relax
- Run with my dog on the beach
- Grill
- Pray
- Enjoy nature

Long run tomorrow pretty much will make or break my marathon hopes and dreams.

Distance is undetermined. I have one distance that is satisfactory, one distance that is preferable and one distance that is exemplary. We'll see what kind of day it is tomorrow.

Through it all....

cool as a cucumber.

1 comment:

  1. ANNAPOLIS????? hello that where we live you should have told me I would have loved to see you, are you still nearby?


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