Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, August 22, 2010


We went to a FABULOUS event last night called East Village Food Day! Well, we created it ourselves. When a bunch of friends were at brunch a month ago (Pictured above) the subject turned to all these fabulous places to eat in the EV, such as an authentic Maine lobster roll place, amazing dumplings, beer brewed on location, scrumptious mac n cheese, tasty tapas called arepas, out of this world french fries, and we ended the night with DELICIOSO frozen yogurt! So we organized ourselves to do a "progressive dinner", stopping at each one of these places for a little sampler at each stop. The best part: each place was some sort of hole in the wall that barely had any seating, if any at all. So fun!

Now, the heavy stuff.

Running. Oh running. I may not be in marathon contention any longer. I've realized some things about myself. Training for half marathons in the spring is no problem for me. Training for any form of a marathon in the fall, however, requires training in the summer, which I seem to struggle with. Even in everyday walking in heat, I drink a ton of water, more than most people. I don't like heat. After the episode in the previous post, I experienced ZERO soreness. Therefore, my body was recovering well and I continued with my training throughout the week. However, when I attempted to execute my long run last Saturday, I ignored how I was feeling. I had a headache, felt extremely tired, and cranky. Hmmm. I figured I needed sleep so I went to bed at 8:30pm for a 6am wake up. Still felt the same. I figured I could run it out; maybe it was sleeping on a new bed or pillow. 1.5 miles into the run I had to turn around. Horrible. Felt nauseous, bad headache, terrible. Had turn turn around.


Lots of them.


I felt this way throughout the weekend. I believe I had some sort of bug. I was under the weather for 4 days. And I took a couple of days to relax and make sure I was ok (Still was really tired from going back to work vs. sleeping all day.)

So here I am.



October 9, 2010 is not coming any slower.

I want a 26.2 bumper sticker.

I want that swagger. That confidence.


Can I do this?

Will I do this?

Longest run is 12.5 miles.

A lot of work for 7 weeks.

Is it safe?

Is it possible?

Cool as a cucumber? Uh. Hmmm. Not sure.

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