Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feeling a little BLAH

Isn't my little Valentine so cute?! (His shirt actually says "Little Valentine") Thanks $1 section at Target ;-)

My other Big Valentine sent me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers at work. However, he didn't realize that when you call the neighborhood florist where I work, there's a bit of a language when he told them to write "Love of my Life" on the card, they wrote "Love of my WIFE". I had a very good laugh!!!

The second week of February was much better than the first week of February running wise. However, numbers are a bit off because I waited to do my long run until Sunday. I'm still battling a bit of energy lack, but I'm trying to fight through it.

Week of February 6-12:
Sunday: 4.06 miles (Race)
Monday: 4 miles (5am morning run)
Tuesday: No running :-(
Wednesday: 3 miles + 15 minutes on the elliptical
Thursday: 4 miles
Friday: 3.27 miles (AT WORK ON LUNCH BREAK, can you tell I was desperate?!)
Saturday: No running :-(

Week Total: 18.3 miles
Month Total (Including this current week): 30.7 miles

70 miles this month? I think it's still doable. I need to step it up though. Going to visit my family this weekend, so hopefully my sisters can kick some of my tired butt into gear!!! I also realized that I designated 70 miles for the month that is the shortest month of the year. Hmmm. 2-3 days less running than a normal month...that could equal 8-12 miles for an average 2-3 days...Yes, that was ill advised. If I don't meet my goal, it will become March's goal!!!

Half Marathon sign up has happened. I'm running with a team, something I've always wanted to try. Is it strange that I'm forming my own training program? I feel like the template for half marathon training is ingrained in my normal running, I just have to up the mileage.

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