Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

iPhone perks

Astoria Park Hellgate Bridge
Astoria Park Triboro Bridge, renamed RFK Bridge last year....still the Triboro to me.

Took these pictures on my long run on proud photo fanatics! Really, instagram on the iPhone is excellent. I finally found my iPod/iPhone arm band (conveniently placed in my running drawer, so smart of me...if only I had remembered that I did that I wouldn't have been searching for it all month...) and I decided to take some pictures on my run. I think they turned out well, then I doctored them up with a cool app.

Hello music. Chris Brown radio is my new fav, but since I don't like Lil' Wayne (Though I respect his work ethic) I entered Chris Brown's song "Kiss Kiss" on Pandora and BAM even better station! I listened to it for my 9 mile run and it had EXCELLENT song selection for running!!! Loved it. LOVED. IT.

Oh shoot, it's Wednesday and it's time for LAST WEEK'S week in review! ;-D

Week of March 6-12:
Sunday: Rest day. Bridal shower.
Monday: 8.25 miles (Long run...kind of proud of my 9:51/mile average for the long run since I forgot to pause the Garmin at SEVERAL crosswalks...I ran home from work!)
Tuesday: 15 minutes elliptical and weight training
Wednesday: 4 miles (Tempo)
Thursday: 3 miles (Hills)
Friday: 15 minutes biking and weight training
Saturday: Rest day

Total Miles: 15.3
Total Miles for the month of March: 19.3*
Goal for the month: 70 miles

*My long run last week was on the last day in February. I don't like how this makes my miles for the month look!!!

Today should have been a running day; however, I was not feeling well. Exhausted is more like it. Parent Teacher conferences were yesterday and I worked out at 5am, so 5am workout + working and speaking in Spanish until 7:30pm = NOT ideal for rest. :-( No bueno. Working on a 5am run tomorrow. Possibly a two a day. We'll see if this warm weather inspires me!!!

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