Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, March 11, 2011

Morning face

This morning, after a day and night full of rain, this was Lambeau's "I don't want to wake up and go outside!!!" Face!

This is how I feel at 5am. Beep. Beep. BEEP.

Blog world, I have to tell you, 5am is the new 4pm! I did my 8 mile long run after work Monday (Which worked out well), and 5am wake up/5:15am workout TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY! It's a miracle!!! AND I got my gym/running buddy Sarah in on it...and she seems to be hooked as well!

Fridays are now weigh in day. Bri guy was against scales (Said I would obsess...but then I obsess after every doctor's appointment...who, me, obsess?!); however, he bought me a BEAUTIFUL Brookstone scale because he loves me too much. So, the agreement is one day a week. Fridays (Weekends tend to be off the wall...) is my most logical weigh in day. I'm looking at losing 3-5lbs. I've been trying to since January (Uh, cookies? Remember me? We had a daily bake and eat thing going for all of December....and some of January...), but I feel like I've finally gotten into a groove of working out consistently. I've even added cross training/weight training!

The best part about morning workouts?! Lambeau Loo gets an extra long afternoon walk ;-)

1 comment:

  1. A. I LOVE LOVE LOOOVE THE PIC!! Too cute!! I just want to kiss Lambo!!!

    B. I'm soo proud and envious of you and your working out in the mornings!! Thats soo random that you blogged about this today because Ben and I just had the talk last night about how starting Monday we're getting up at 5:45am so that I can get two workouts in a day. I don't know how I did it in college, haha, because I've become sooo lazy in the morning lately!! Maybe I'll have to start requiring you to call me at 8am your time to make sure my butt is up haha!! Miss you girlie!!


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