Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll love ya, tomorrow...

It's only a daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Tomorrow, I find out if I get picked in the lottery for the NYC ING Marathon. EEK. This is it.

If I don't? I will run with Team World Vision, a fabulous organization that I want to partner with even if I get in through the lottery. I want to give back while running; it feels like it means more when you're achieving something that benefits someone else!

I've been busy. VERY busy. Here are some of my favorite snapshots from my SPRING BREAK! (Love being a teacher!!!)

Lambeau got to come on the beach with us EVERY DAY! We did a morning walk (Around 8am) then my friend Alyssa and I would bring him with us for the morning...he had a little tent made out of the back of a chair, towels and dresses!!! He was in puppy heaven.
Pure bliss. Sitting on the beach, wind, heat, sun. 54 degree water? Ok. Just because it was 89 degrees and I was STEAMING!

SANDY GOT MARRIED! A FABULOUS coworker got hitched; it was quite the event!

Easter in CT with the family; these are my gorgeous nieces. (By the way, I'm wearing 3 inch heels...)
Another niece at Easter; little Ella!!! Brian is in love. She has that affect on people ;-) LOOK AT THAT DRESS!!!

1 comment:

  1. lol! finally the heels i was waiting for..very nice very nice ;)
    Happy end of Spring Break! (Happy because now that Spring break is over, the Summer break countdown can commence...heh heh)


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