Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, May 2, 2011

The waiting game

NFL Draft mayhem - I made friends with Vikings! EEK!
The Love of my life supporting his second wife; the Green Bay Packers. (He's one step up I think, but he really is 6'2" and I'm 5'2")

So. The wait is on. I submitted my charity application to Team World Vision after (sadly, but not so sadly) not getting in to the NYC ING Marathon through the lottery. I submitted my charity form IMMEDIATELY. Part of me was kind of hoping I would go through the charity route; I want the challenge to raise money while training. It's such a beautiful thing to see generous people. Again, thank you to my 13.1 NYC donors, you are truly wonderful. All those who donated moral support are wonderful as well, I'm a blessed person. So, if I get in (Praying I do, because I have a lot of peace about it!!!), the challenge is to connect 26 people to supporting a child in Africa. How amazing is that? I can't wait to do it myself. More on that later. I've already thought of plans...vlogs, youtube, support letters. Yup. We're going multi media...pending if I get in!!!

Another waiting game moment is my New York State teaching certification results. I had a big headache back in January, and I've been trying to fix it ever since. I finally finished, but I'm awaiting my test results. If I pass, perfect. If I don't pass, really bad (life altering) news. I'm choosing to take the positive road. These butterflies won't stop, but I'm choosing to believe that I passed. May 9th. We'll see.

Did you know I'm also an anxious person? Yea. Um. This waiting thing is not cool. Lots of nervous energy around me. Lots of prayers are coming out of me. Lots of Bible coming into me.

Do you ever have one of those days where you get a little down? I think I'm having one of those days. My mileage is down (3 5am runs last week, no runs this weekend...), I've got allergies tickling (in a not so nice way) my throat, and work is hectic. Here is what I've chosen to do: think of what I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful for...
-My God
-My husband
-My family
-My job
-My home
-My life

Yup, that about sums it up. Oh, and how could I forget: LAMBEAU. :-D

Tomorrow is a new day, with new runs, and new possibilities. I'm choosing to focus on moving forward.

What are you focusing on?

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