Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, July 22, 2011

All the better / faster / stronger

My week has been filled with this:And this:
This week I got sick of the extra 5lbs that have crept up since the winter, and that I never seemed to get rid of. Of course I tried, but something always got in the way: special dinners, birthdays, end of the year celebrations at school, 4th of July (Yummy...); it all boil down to lack of self control and loving food! Usually I'm pretty good at maintenance with running, and I do generally lead a healthier lifestyle than most Americans for sure; however, I'm cursed with some pretty poor genes. All the ladies in my family are very health conscious and work extra hard to be fit. So, this week, I downloaded myfitnesspal and did work yo, did work.

My caloric goal to lose 2lbs a week is between 1200-1400 depending on exercise. Now don't go thinking I'm starving myself, I eat a LOT of food throughout the day. Next Friday I'll post about a day in the life of calorie counting. Of course when I do my long run on Saturday my intake will be much higher. I'm feeling out what my body needs and working with it. I drank TONS of water. When I got sick of that, iced green tea or black tea (fresh brewed and UNSWEETENED), or Pellegrino with lemon or lime. If I had a craving for sweets, I took a Luna s'mores bar and cut it into 1/4's so I had a mini cookie type dessert if I needed it for 45 calories.

Weigh in: Down 3lbs this week, down 1lb last week. Two week total: down 4lbs!

My goal was down 5lbs, so I'm 1lb away from my maintenance goal. My dream goal is down 5lbs more, but that will be less of an ambition and more of an "if it happens it happens." I've come to realize I'm very muscular, and I must have big bones, because being 5'2" and weighing what I do is bordering on overweight. Confusing but true. I just want to be a little lighter on my feet as I train for the marathon. Fueling with HEALTHY foods.

Steel cut oats and blueberries are my FAV! O.M.G. they rock my world. Here's a recipe to keep you until next Friday:

Steel Cut Oats (1/4 cup dry = 1 cup cooked. I eat 1 1/2 cups) 220 calories
1 cup of blueberries 84 calories
1 teaspoon of honey or brown sugar: 15 calories

Calories for breakfast: 315 calories.

Keeps me full for at least four hours!!!

Shout out to my daddy-o, he has lost 23lbs in the last few months! SO proud of him!

What have you done today, to make you feel proud?

106 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!

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