Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

I saw this while sitting at a traffic light (Which happens a lot while driving in NYC), and I thought, "I like this." But since there's no like button in real life, I decided to add it to a blog!

This past week I had a wicked stomach bug and did zero running. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. I almost went into a runner's depression. However, I saw the face of my sponsored child, prayed a lot, and just like that: Monday morning I hit the ground running, literally. It's like a switch turned on and my stomach bug disappeared! Thank God. I was ready to go to the doctor and get a dreaded antibiotic. I think I did ok coming off of no cardio for a week:

Monday: 3 mile run
Tuesday: 4 mile run
Wednesday: AM strength/weights for 25 minutes and 20 minute swim, PM yoga

Don't you love sports movies? I heart them a million times over. Remember the Titans is my favorite. Just like the picture, random lines from good sports movies often come to me while running or when I'm down. Here are a few of my favorites, but I'm considering the above picture as one of my marathon mantras (OBVIOUSLY the Friday Night Lights quote in the title is already in!)

  • Remember the Titans- "What are you? " / "Mobile, agile, hostile!" ... "Will you ever quit?" / "We want some mo', we want some mo'!"
  • Miracle: "You're missing some of the best players." / "I'm not looking for the best players, Craig. I'm looking for the right ones."
  • Miracle: "This is your time. Now go out there and take it!"
I could write down a MILLION quotes from the show Friday Night Lights. So sad to see it go.

Stay positive, put your best foot forward, and trod on faithfully during these hot humid runs!!!




  1. Love the countdown to Marathon and the sports quotes :)

  2. GREAT TITLE! I am a huge Friday Night Lights fan.


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