Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Country Strong...

This is the face I woke up to at 5:45am. He looks like he got visited by the HAIR FAIRY! Getting out the door in the AM has been becoming a longer and longer process! During my 3 mile mornings with my former running buddy, stolen from me by the alluring upper west side, I used to get up at 5am, and be out the door between 5:11 or 5:15 at the LATEST. Now it seems I have a 20 minute prep period! Ugh! I had pretty much everything laid out and ready to go, but when I'm in Connecticut, I must let Lambeau Puppy out to use the facilities before I leave. When in NYC I let him out after I get home, but here he's extra antsy and more likely to have an accident. So I have to get myself ready, get my dog emptied, and then be on my way. I've learned to turn on my Garmin right when I wake up so it has PLENTY of time to find satellite! I was FINALLY on my way at 6:05am. 10 miles of country running. This is one of my favorite houses. They sell firewood year round, honor system style. See that weird shadow cutout in the corner? It's SO New England. I cross through three towns on my 10 mile run (5 miles out and back). This town, Glastonbury, is one of my favorites. It has a lot of old houses, old stone walls on the back roads, and is overall very picturesque. I also got married in Glastonbury, so my heart really does belong in it! 10 miles went well, but I still felt a little tired. I have gotten a few blisters, and then on this run, I got a painful blister under an already existing blister. OUCH. I know I should wrap my feet with gauze and tape, but I just haven't; and I've paid for it. I've gotten shoe fittings, anti blister socks, moisture wicking socks, you name it I've done it. I always get blisters at one point or another! I'm hoping this is it, they'll heal and we can move on. I'll have to keep them taped up well. We'll see :-D I'm excited to get through a regular training week, with cross training to break up the strain of running, and attempt my longest run to date: 15 miles. I spoke with my neighbor/childhood friend today, ALSO running NYC this year (!!! 3 of us from our neighborhood are doing it, how crazy is that!?) and she said 15 miles was "not hard, and a huge mental boost." SWEET. That's exactly what I need, especially with starting school this coming week.

My recovery meal ROCKED. Unfortunately, the iPhone stayed in the car, I was all over the place trying to get to the annual "Nana's Back to School Breakfast". I literally got home from my run at 8:00am, showered, grabbed my make up, recoverite drink, and an ice pack and was in the car by 8:11am to go to breakfast! My mommy brings out all the grandchildren with their moms to this place called Hotcakes, a country diner that specializes in the creative pancakes. I got the idea for apple pancakes from this place, and make them all the time!!! I ended up getting the pumpkin spice pancakes, while helping myself to some home fries and a veggie omelet from Coach Jen. I wouldn't have had time to use the iPhone with 4 nieces, 8 nephews, 3 sisters, 1 sister in law and a mother to entertain me! I was cutting food, passing water, stopping boys from the under the table kicking was fantastic. We got several comments from other diners about how well the kids behaved, claiming we must have drugged them to make them so good. Nah. It was just a special day with a lot of yummy food ;-)

I love New England. This farm is 1/2 a mile from my house, and a lot of childhood memories belong to it. This was the place I would beg to "ride my bike to and pick up corn" or something like that. I love it. It opens July 4 weekend, sells produce and plants all summer, pumpkins, mums and gourds in the fall, and Christmas trees and wreaths in December. I picked up some peppers tonight, and it felt like the end of a New England summer. A sun setting that was trying to be strong, overcast yet blue skies with a beautiful breeze. No one beeping, no loud music coming from a car, and no children milling around on the sidewalk. Now, don't get me wrong, I love New York, but New England is my first love. We get together once a month, bond, and then agree to meet again soon. This trip is a nice end to the summer, a good fair well to a summer well spent. I wouldn't change anything about it...except maybe going to the beach more! ;-)

63 days until the ING NYC Marathon!!!

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