Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, September 2, 2011

Serenity Now

Doesn't this picture just calm you right down? I look at and it's like "woosah" or "Ohm" or whatever people do to find their serenity! (I personally pray to God; he works wonders. Try it.) This is my little Ella. I call her Ella Bella. She's my youngest niece and was obsessed with the ocean. She didn't want to be scared, she wanted to crawl after the waves and chase them down until she had every crevice filled with sand! I want to approach life like Ella. I want to approach running like Ella. Not afraid, not stressed, just enjoying each new moment with a care in the world. Easier said than done; school is starting in t-minus 3 days. I've had a nagging fear all this week that my training is going to be stinky once I start school. Now, I've taken solace in the fact that I taught summer school for six weeks and trained well...but that was less miles, less working hours, less stress. I will have to start praying for less stress and continued focus! Basically, be like Ella.
This is Ella's big brother Evan! Evan is such a funny kid. He loves dogs, Elmo, reading books, he's the best. Evan is also fearless. I had a nice pre 10 mile run carb loading pizza dinner with them tonight, and it was DELICIOUS! These kids are the best, they always bright my day.

What brightens your day?

64 days until the ING NYC Marathon!!!

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