Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, October 27, 2011

26.2 at 27

I had a birthday! Yes, it's true. October 25 I turned the big 2-7. Honestly, I don't care about telling people how old I am, because I'm always "the youngest" or "the baby". Whateves. Eventually someone else will be the youngest and the baby! The day was awesome. Because of my impending blister on the inside of my big toe (Which I still can't reveal because it's still THAT disturbing), I didn't run on my birthday for the first time in a long time. I usually do it as a "Yup, another year older and I still got it!" but wisdom spoke better of it. Mr. Miller woke me up and took me for yummy bagels and coffee for breakfast! Great way to start my day. I went to work and was greeted by 5th graders screaming out of their window "Happy birthday Mrs. Miller!" I received some cute gifts, best of all was a HOUSE PLANT! The gift that keeps on giving. These kids are sweet. My work wife Ms. S brought me yummy homemade soup for lunch and a naughty oreo white chocolate / milk chocolate brownie. Let's just say, 5 people shared it, and half was left over for Mr. Miller and I! So good.
I received a special delivery from Villan. Yup. I work in a predominantly Spanish speaking area, so the florist had some language barriers to deal with when Mr. Miller placed his order. Back story: Mr. Miller ordered from this florist for Valentines day and the card read "For the love of my wife" instead of "For the love of my life", this has been a running joke since then. So, big reveal (And I think I wrote his name on older posts) Mr. Miller's name is Brian. So. Brian. Villan. Brian. Villan. Makes sense! Mr. Miller has a new nickname. Don't let the hilarious circumstances distract you: those flowers were GORGEOUS, and they sit loud and proud on my kitchen table. Surprises weren't over.
HE GOT ME *THE* MARATHON NECKLACE! He does read the blog! Or got the hint when I emailed the page or left the screen open on the computer. several. times. After we parked at the park (Weird words to use but only ones that work) he dropped a cute teal blue box on my lap. EEK! I said "WHAT?!" I opened it and had tears. So sweet. He actually had to special order it; apparently they don't carry them in the store. I will be able to get it engraved after the marathon with my year, bib, and time. Mr. Miller, you done good.
Lambeau made my birthday fun. We threw the ball for him and he used up his endless energy; then somehow found reserves to chase squirrels! They were crafty squirrels. They would only go half way up the trunk to tease him. He actually was half a second from catching one. He's a Miller.
It was a beautiful day for a birthday! We sat on the bench for a while and enjoyed the sights; the Triboro Bridge, the Hellsgate Bridge, Manhattan....I love where we live. It is always nice to go and simply enjoy the park instead of running the park. What's a birthday without dinner? Mr. Miller, you've done it again. We went to a FABULOUS Italian restaurant. The food was outstanding. I had penne with fresh tomato sauce, fried eggplant and fresh mozzarella cheese. WOW. Taste explosion. It was so light and simple, I wish I could make sauce like that. I'm not on a mission. Light tomato sauce here I come!

4 miles yesterday, 3 miles today. I put mole skin on my blister and it was irritated the whole time, aka major freak out by me. Today I tried no mole skin, and minimal irritation. Hopefully it will continue toward no irritation. I talked with my mom tonight about the run down of marathon day, and I'm getting more and more anxious. I'll write about my thoughts tomorrow, this birthday post is long enough!

9 days until the ING NYC Marathon!!!

All the single ladies, all the single ladies...SINGLE. DIGITS. PEOPLE!

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