Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I heart football Sundays

I heart 10 mile runs. It's my favorite distance. It's a nice even number, a double digit, and I always feel great after it. Today my schedule said 12 miles. I set out with strong intentions to try to complete the full 12 miles. I packed enough fuel, I set out enough time, but I just didn't have it in me. Since battling a cold or allergies for the past 6 days, I've been EXHAUSTED (Which makes me lean towards a cold). My 4 mile run Thursday was cut short to 2 miles because I was so fuzzy in the head I had a major tripping incident. AKA, it's way to close to the marathon to be stupid and get hurt. I got 11 hours of sleep Thursday and Friday nights, and laid low all day Saturday. Magically, Saturday night, I felt a little better. I woke up this morning feeling less congested and less sluggish. We went to church and I felt significantly better than I have all week. So, I set out on my 12 miles. It was a PERFECT fall day. However, I just didn't have the 12 in me. Because of my sleepy ways this week, my posture was all off, therefore my form was off, and my body was quickly fatigued from the sudden influx of physical activity and aerobic breathing. I just can't snot rocket. Number one, it's gross. Number two, my nose is runny, so it's not something I can really shoot would just look nasty and awkward. So, I settled for 10 miles and call it a day. Let the football Sunday commence!I heart macaroni and cheese. I have seen Meg O baking some fabulous looking from scratch mac and cheese, so I decided today would be a good day. (Secretly, I pushed myself to 10 miles because I knew I was going to INHALE some of this deliciousness!) I found this recipe on my favorite recipe site (Click here for full details), and tweaked it to perfection. I followed the suggestions to only cook it for 20 minutes at 350, and substituted shredded cheese for STRAIGHT FROM WISCONSIN cheese curds! It made amazingly sharp and flavorful macaroni and cheese, and I ate far too much of it. I'm feeling so fly like a cheese head!
I heart Lambeau. I also heart the Packers. Apparently when you name your dog after a football stadium, there are perks in the form of souvenirs! Mr. Miller picked this up during his trip to see the game last weekend. Although the Packers weren't playing in Lambeau this week, they won! 7-0! GO PACK GO!
Lambeau hearts football. He sits with us the whole game. He's totally into it. He thinks he's Clay Matthews.
I heart anything that will take my blister away. I have a new blister. It's inside my big toe. ??? This leads me to think that my shoes are too narrow; however, I've been fitted and my feet measure regular width. ??? I put moleskin on it today for my 10 mile run, and it still filled with liquid again. SO GROSS. And painful. Hopefully this little beauty will protect, disinfect and help heal it claims. I am tempted to post a picture of it, but I believe this will cause nightmares.

I heart the taper. As I spoke with my intense cyclist friend last night about my cold creeping up during my taper, he said "The body knows, it knows!" So smart body. Really, not smart, but better than during the marathon! I feel like I turned a corner, but I need to be careful not to overdo it and rest a ton. I'm toeing the start line strong and healthy.

My birthday is Tuesday. Eek.

13 days until the ING NYC Marathon!!!

1 comment:

  1. I also got a cold around this time before my marathon! Tapering can put your immune system at risk for colds. Make sure to SLEEP a lot (like you've been doing) and rest. I also did a 10 miler while sick as part of my taper becuase mentally I had to complete it, but I skipped some of the shorter runs in favor of rest. You will be ok since you have a while til your marathon. I only think the cold affected me a little bit. Good luck!


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