Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Follow the bright light

I thought today was going to be an overcast 9 mile run. I thought wrong. Around 5 miles, I was BLINDED by the light...and then pelting rain drops? Seriously, there is no weirder feeling than an exuberantly bright sun shining on you during a cold rain shower. I've said it once and I'll say it again: I.don' I feel slow and sluggish. I get passed by EVERYONE. I can't do 9 miles in the morning, I'd essentially have to wake up at 4am and become super friendly with tready at the gym. Not my idea of a good time either. Stuck between a rock and a hard place I guess! I almost cut my run down to 7 miles because I was feeling tired, but when the sun came out it put an extra pep in my step...not speed, just a willingness to finish.
Today, I wore a running skirt for the first time. This was a very interesting experience. First of all, I look like a dork. In case you're wondering, I'm 5'2" and I think running skirts are for taller ladies rather than little ladies. I also felt less, well, athletic? Dare I say, manly?! (Says the girl in the bright pink headband!) Oh, I felt so guilty for thinking this, but it's true! I was a tomboy growing up with all boy neighbors, and I didn't enjoy wearing girly clothes until I was 10/11. Nowadays, I love them! But for running? The jury is still out. It was comfortable, and it technically was an extra layer of clothing for these awkward temperature days; cold to begin with and super sweaty at the end. What do you think about running skirts? Love them or hate them?

Wednesday is almost here, with an approaching long weekend! Columbus Day, how I love you. We will be going to Rochester this weekend to visit Mr. Miller's parents and some of our very good friends. I can't wait! However, an early drive up Saturday morning (5am departure time drive!) means I will most likely succumb to yet another long run after work. Fiddlesticks. It's only 14 miles, but as mentioned before, these runs don't feel like the most quality endeavors. The frustration level is always an issue as well. Whatever shall I do? Run.

When will the insanity stop? Well, let's get right to the countdown:

32 Days until the ING NYC Marathon!!! we come 20's here we come...

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for the advice! I think it's hard to learn how to not be so selfish anymore, and I think we are both struggling with that. I am not selfish in areas that he is and vice versa so sometimes this makes for a bad combo and frustration since we can't understand why it's not important to the other person. All these fun things to learn and try to figure out how to deal with.


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