Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You've Got Mail!

I LOVE that movie! However, today was not about those "powerful words" You've Got Mail AOL style. Today was all about good 'ol USPS snail mail! I got my ING NYC MARATHON HANDBOOK! Now, if you know anything about teachers, we love us a good 'ol handbook. We study, memorize and follow it to a t! Here are a few of the highlights:In case you were wondering: I'm in. Charity Style. Want to help out? Sponsor a child through World Vision today. It's $35 a month to literally change the course of an impoverished child's life. Just do it.
There will be a "Finisher's Collection" for sale the day after the race. Oh Mr. me into the city and carry me around to shop on November 7. Thanks.
Info about the Expo. Possibly the most valuable information, and right at my fingertips to memorize. AND the make important information bold, similar to my blog; smart people I working for the marathon foundation I see!
Starting line info that is color coded. I think I had a teacher sigh of relief. This is a setup I can get behind.
Genius advertising. (In case you didn't know, that's the marathon route from Staten Island through 5 boroughs and finishing in Manhattan) Prey tell, why don't they make a shoe with the marathon route on the sole in REAL LIFE? I would completely purchase this. Or a painting of it. Or both.
Tiffany, thank you. You just solidified that I will attempt a big fat jump on the finish line for a brill finish. Also, if a Tiffany rep decides to frost me at the finish line with fab jewels, I will be forced to be gracious and accept them. Insert wake up from dream.
Doesn't this look like a dream? The sun was SO bright my face disappeared! (Or I'm that white from the lack of sun tanning in my life until February.) Mr. Miller's work hours changed, so he gets home around 4:30 instead of 6:30, which means an oddly increased amount of free time to spend together! I picked him up from the train with Lambeau puppy and we hit up the park to tire out the pooch with a tennis ball. It worked. I didn't cross train today because my 9 mile run really tired me out last night, and I didn't want to over do it with a morning work out. So, I opted to walk around the block and the park and enjoy a somewhat reduced amount of stress in my life. I'm still thinking about the Tiffany jewels...

31 days until the ING NYC Marathon!!!

31 days until a brilliant finish.


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