Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Post-NYC Marathon days of Glory Part 2

In this edition of Mrs. Miller's Week in Pictures, get ready for puppies, concerts, and sight seeing! *Watch out for the birthday picture cliff hanger at the end of this blog for the next edition coming soon!*
Puppy time is time well spent. After the marathon, I spent a lot of time with this little guy and Mr. Miller. He is such a little spit fire, but bring him to the park and FORGET. IT. He freaks out! He loves the open space. He also enjoys sunsets and puppy walks on the beach.

These are my boys. They're the best things for me. My man boy and my puppy boy. I thoroughly enjoyed relaxing with them and relishing in marathon victory.

Hello, Foo Fighters! Yup, we saw them in concert at Madison Square Garden. This is where we got engaged during a Coldplay concert. The Foo Fighters were ELECTRIC.

Confession: We're old and left early. Foo Fighters, I'm SO glad you're cool and wanted to play for over three hours. Not so cool? Going on at 9:30. AKA my bedtime. I made it until a little before 12am and called it quits!
Top of the Rock to ya! I love this view. Skyscrapers fascinate me. We had a FABULOUS friend in town and we saw the sights. It was nice playing tour guide. I forgot how tiring it can be!

It's the most wonderful time: ROCKEFELLER TREE TIME! This is one of my favorite traditions. I will be writing more about this soon. Even though the PA born tree was surrounded by scaffolding, I felt a bit giddy at the sight of it.

JUST BELIEVE! Thanks Macy's for reminding me that, with God, anything is possible. Completing my first marathon is possible. Running a sub 2:00 1/2 marathon is possible!!! Exciting things to come!
Picture preview for the next blog: My Southern Themed birthday party. Yes, those are some marines. Yes, we bought them dinner and drinks. Yes, their birthday was on the day of my party. Prepare yourself for the next Mrs. Miller's Miles Week of Pictures! It's going to be a funny one!

9 days until the Manchester Road Race!!!


  1. Dear K - I'm still in awe that you did the marathon...I've enjoyed the pictures! You inspire me to work harder to accomplish the goals I want in running! Thanks friend!

  2. Hi there! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love your comment! "The heck with the ipod thingy!" You're right, I finished and that's all that matters. I see that you ran NY! That's AWESOME! Good for you. I hope to run a marathon one day. Definitely subscribing to your blog for motivation! Have a great weekend!


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