Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, December 16, 2011

Back for Some Inspiration

Definition of INSPIRATION

a : a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation
- Merriam Webster Online

Inspiration. I've need a little these days. Remember my NYC Marathon glory days? Oh, you don't? Let me refresh your memory:I was inspired to run my first marathon. I was further inspired as I became a charity entry for World Vision. I was pushed to even further inspiration when I completed the marathon. It all happened. For real. After the marathon, I needed some downtime. In case you couldn't tell, I was a bit intense with preparing for the marathon. I was on training overload for over six months. After the marathon I was told over and over again "You inspire me." "You're so inspirational." "I'm going to start running because you inspired me!" Me? Seriously? Mini legged me? 5:08:35 marathoner me? I didn't even make it in to the NY Times! (I'm a Finisher, that's what counts, I know...) After my bout with a kidney infection over Thanksgiving, my grandfather's passing, I've been lacking in inspiration. EVEN YET, people are still coming to me for running advice, telling me to rest my legs, telling me that I'm an inspiration. I feel so humbled. So unworthy. As Mr. Miller said the other day, "No one who inspires feels like they're truly an inspirer. They often just are." So, I will list some people who are currently inspiring me:

My Dad inspires me. My dad was the go to guy for my grandparents, and especially during the final months of my grandfather's life. It was stressful. He balanced work and family and still found time to call me and ask how my day was. Dad, you're an inspiration of dedication.

My friend R inspires me. R is an aspiring runner who considers herself so slow it's not worth mentioning (Hmmm sounds familiar!). Funny though, her times are my times, and it's something to be PROUD OF! She texted me the other day to inform me about a great 4.5 mile run with a 9:xx/mile average. R, you are an inspiration of hard work.

My friend C inspires me. C completed her first 5k in September. I told her that she was going to do it in under 30 minutes; she laughed at me. Guess what? She did it. Now she's eyeing a half marathon with me in March. She's tackling new challenges with excitement. C, you are an inspiration of tenacity!

The following are some of the things that have gotten me out of my uninspired funk recently:
The Green Bay Packers inspire me! (Mr. Miller and I at the Giants game!) 13-0. Perfection. As they said in Remember the Titans, "Up until now, we've been perfect. And I'd like to keep it that way." The Packers show hard work and dedication really do pay off.
The Rockefeller Christmas Tree inspires me. Cheesy? Maybe. I've been watching the tree lighting since I was a little 8 year old Connecticut resident. Every year I still watch it, and get the privilege of seeing it in person. It gets me excited for the season and lights up the city that I love.
Eating healthy inspires me. As I said on Facebook, I'm on "Operation Christmas Cookie". AKA, eating super healthy throughout the day and exercising so I can eat Christmas cookies!!! Hey, tis the season! It is yummy indeed.
The season of joy inspires me. All aspects of Christmas lift my spirits. Christmas carols, generosity, friends, family, lights, cookies (mmm), santa costumed Lambeau puppies, all inspire me toward joy. During this lack of inspiration I almost let it get away.
My family inspires me. Every single one of them. This weekend we celebrate the life of my Grampy; paratrooper, purple heart medal owner, retired firefighter, is there anything uninspiring about him? He did the most dangerous jobs and never thought recognition was necessary.

What inspires you? Leave a little for me!


  1. love this! I find this post inspiring :) I love the rockfellar tree too. I hope to see it someday in person though. Running bloggers definitely inspire me. So do people that keep up with everything, even when it's tough. My dad inspires me as he continues to try to be a runner, starting at the ripe old age of 62

  2. Love it! And I love how you are back to blogging! WAHOO!

    Also, what half marathon in March? I'm intrigued...


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