Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, January 30, 2012

Glad Game Monday III

Why is it that the past few Mondays have been so rough?! Oh, probably because I'm supposed to play the Glad Game, that's why! In case you didn't see the first two, Glad Game Monday is choosing to be glad on a day that often highlights the, well, downright awful return to working, recovering from the weekend, and lack of fun things to look forward to...until Friday.

I haven't blogged. I hit a bit of a downer this week. I was really busy, and then kind of slipped into a funk. Do you ever get those? I was getting in my runs, working out (Pilates TWICE!), but this month has not been the best. You see, back in the summer, I needed to shed some pounds because I wasn't feeling 100% ready for marathon training. So, I dieted, exercised (Obviously, marathon training!) and was relaxed in summer bliss. I lost 7.7lbs (Ounces COUNT!) and felt much better, fitter, and ready to train hard. Toward the end of summer, I began phasing out of this and eating more because my mileage was increasing significantly. I maintained my weight loss throughout my training, and come January I weighed the same! Score. Even after Christmas cookies. Well, I've weighed myself every Friday and it has been a horror fest. Week 1: up 1lb. Week 2: up 1lb (2lbs total gain) Week 3: Down 1lb (1lb total gain) Week 4: Up 3 lbs (4lbs total gain in January.) This really upset me. I'm not a slave to the scale, but I'm doing most of the things I did in the summer, just running a little less, and ugh. It's so disheartening! I can't imagine the people on the Biggest Loser, and how they feel with only a 1 or 2lb loss, and they put in 10x's the amount that I do. So, BL peeps, I'm sorry. I have new found empathy for your hard work and dedication. So, I was blue. The Blue Day Book didn't help (I FINALLY FOUND IT), a great 5 mile run Saturday didn't help, and the french fries I've been depriving myself of and finally ate Saturday night didn't help either. I think it was "just one of those days". I don't know what's happening, but I'm frustrated, mad, and feisty.

So, how do I turn this Glad Game Monday around? By being glad, that's how.

I'm glad I ran in shorts Saturday. 55 and sunny?! Yes. Tomorrow? 54 and sunny. Re Re Re REPEAT!

I'm glad that my 4 mile run today turned into 4.5 miles, and it felt great.

I'm glad I made it to cardio blast pilates tonight. Note to self: No eating before cardio blast pilates again. There's dancing. Not good post dinner.

I'm glad my auto body shop is organized. They sent me a letter reminding me that my emissions was up this month...aka tomorrow. I didn't open it until this Sunday (Three weeks later), and I'm glad I did! NYC tickets you at the stroke of midnight on those things!!!

I'm glad that my 13.1 newbie Mrs. Gray is training like a champ! I'm so proud of her! I guess I'm "coaching" her, and she's doing great.

I'm glad my sister can send me text message pictures from CA often. I love getting them.

I'm glad my training is going well. My knee is a little sore, and I'm getting my hips checked out Thursday, but I'm still running on!

I'm glad that in three short weeks:
What are YOU glad for today? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

Running and Cross training my way because it's...
22 days until Cancun and Winter Polka Dot Bikini!!!...we're in the weeks section!!!
53 Days until the 13.1 NYC half marathon!!!.


  1. I'm glad you wrote this post :). ALSO 53 Days!?!? I need to get ready!!

  2. Hey there! Just found your blog :) I am training for the new york half marathon as well. I like your glad game- did you get the title from Pollyanna?? :)


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