Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Two a Day Tuesday II

It's easy to do a two a day when it's, oh, 65 degrees out! I have spring fever...shoot, it's January. I was having season confusion sensory overload today! Is season confusion such a thing? Well, if it is, I have it. Since I knew it was going to be a beautiful afternoon, I decided to get some extra rest this morning and revel in the warmth for an afternoon run. I couldn't contain my excitement when I "ran" into Mr. Miller as I started out:I did an E-A-S-Y 3.1 miles. A 20 degree increase is an adjustment for your body temperature, no matter how wonderful. I didn't want to use all my 8 ounces of water in the first mile, so I took it easy. I didn't bring music, I wanted to enjoy the weather. There were birds singing everywhere! The running stars aligned. I kept flashing to early morning OUTDOOR runs in May and June, when it's not dark and safe to play on the sidewalk in the early morning hours.

I've noticed something so funny about my pace. It's a minute+ better than my marathon training pace. I got S-L-O-W during training. Like there were a lot of 11's in my the beginning of the number. Now I'm totally in the 10's, and flirting with the 9's. So glad that I'm not crazy. I knew 11 was slow for me, and I feel like I'm building back to my half marathon self.

The second workout of the day: Fit Body Pilates. The instructor is SO good. Meaning bad. But GREAT! But painful. Yes, she knows how to make it burn. I took a quick shot of the torture chamber, er I mean studio:
It could be yoga mat art! Mine is Green Bay Green. Go Pack Go. It still hurts...

So, there you have it. Tomorrow is strength and no running. However, it's going to be 62 again...maybe I'll save strength training for Thursday?!

I'm going nuts in this glorious warmth of weather. Are you experiencing some fabulous fun in the sun yourself?! TELL ME ABOUT IT! Makes Cancun feel all the more real!!!

Running and Cross training my way because it's...
21 days until Cancun and Winter Polka Dot Bikini!!!...3 weeks from today!!!
52 Days until the 13.1 NYC half marathon!!!


  1. I think I am suffering from
    "season confusion sensory overload" too....but I'll take it if it means I can get to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having even at seven at night (my normal work out time)! Tonite's run was glorious!

  2. YES this weather is GORGEOUS!!! It was mid 60's when I got out to run today. The dogwoods are starting to bloom here in Charlotte, I think they're quite confused.

    Nice job on the two-fer!

  3. YES! I ran outside yesterday in Chicago and it was GORGEOUS! I am loving it!


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