Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, February 27, 2012

Glad Game Monday VI

Well, it's that time at the beginning of the week again! Post weekend. Back to work. And this week: post VACATION. So, let the Glad Games begin!

I'm glad I read the Hunger Games. It was a really easy read and kept me going during (RARE) downtime. The plane ride back was so much better with it! Did you read it?

I'm glad I had the idea for the boys to take the picture:
I'm glad the girls did it too. This has to be my favorite picture of all time!
I'm glad I got to take a vacation. It's truly a blessing to have done so, and I am so glad everything worked out swimmingly. I was so tempted to be sad going to work this morning, but I remembered to be grateful for the experience instead of mourning its end. Maybe I'm still mourning a little...

I'm glad for good friends. Not only the ones who went to Cancun, who are fabulous, but the others in my life as well. They make life fantastic!!!
I'm glad for blog giveaways! I was so excited to win the Mad Hectic Oatmeal Giveaway from MegO! Little did I know I would get 10 BAGS! This company rocks! Thanks Mad Hectic! Want to try your luck at a giveaway? Check out this Chobani giveaway over at the Secret Life of Kelsey. Need some sleeve compression assistance? Then head over to Long May You Run who is giving away a sweet pair. (Although I really hope you don't win; telling you about it gets me an entry...oh the rock and hard places of life...)
I am glad to be part of Team World Vision again! I am running the 13.1 NYC in March. I'm so excited to be part of this incredible charity organization again. They are extremely effective with training tools (Plans, emails with tips etc), support (Directors call and email periodically to encourage), and after party (They know how to support AND celebrate!). Coming soon! Get ready to hear about an opportunity to change the deep well water pump at a time.

What are YOU glad about today?! Is it nail polish? Is it freedom? Is it watchamacallit candy bars?! (Yes I ate one in the airport and it was GOOD!) TELL ME ABOUT IT!

26 days until the 13.1NYC half marathon!


  1. I love those jumping pics! Welcome back!

  2. I am glad for my vacation as well.
    I am glad it is Biggest Loser night.
    I am glad for chicken chili in my crockpot right now. :)

  3. thanks for posting about my giveaway! :)

    it looks like you had a blast on vacay!!!



    have a great week!


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