Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I am an average runner

I am an average runner. My splits aren't fabulous or notable. My speed work doesn't go beyond biweekly/monthly Yasso 800's. My PR's aren't often broken.

Cancun Picture 1: Note: the polka dot bikini is making its itsy bitsy teeny weeny appearance.
I am an average runner. If I have stomach issues, I may or may not run. If I'm on vacation, I may or may not run. If I'm exhausted, I may or may not run.

Cancun Picture 2: I miss sun lounging.
I am an average runner. I don't seek weekly races. I don't seek monthly races. I don't seek races I can place in. I don't seek superior swag bags.

Cancun picture 3: One of my favorite dresses.
I am a hard worker.
I am a lover of running.
I am human.
I am tired.
I am susceptible.
I am strong.
I am committed.
I am determined.

I am a finisher.

I have been having a rough running week. Tomorrow at 5am, that rough running week will end.

Ever had "just one of those weeks"? TELL ME ABOUT IT.

23 Days until the 13.1NYC Half Marathon!!!


  1. I had one of those 3 months! Now I'm forced to get back to running. Going for a long run in Central Park on Sunday with a friend if you'd like to join us! Love your Cancun pics (and all the cute outfits)- you look beautiful!

  2. I have those days every now and then.... but TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY!!!


    plus, sometimes our bodies just NEED extra rest!

    ENJOY IT!!!

  3. Yep! Totally an average runner here! I think that's why a marathon is so daunting for me...the time commitment!

    So glad Cancun was awesome :)


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