Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring Ahead!!!

This week, NYC has COME ALIVE! Wowzers. go go gadget warm weather! It has been a beautiful week, and tomorrow will be no exception. I've been spending as much time in fresh air as possible. OOPS, I haven't blogged since MONDAY! I half blame the beautiful weather, and half blame Catching Fire. Thanks for all your comments, I L-O-V-E hearing from you. So, here's what you missed as we began to SPRING AHEAD this week!

Tuesday, I was stupid. I decided, since it was (ironically) deceivingly cold, to get a coffee at lunch. I went for a huge coffee. BAD. CHOICE. I got heartburn almost instantly...and then kept drinking. I have cut down to one cup in the morning. If I have an afternoon one, which is rare, I get a SMALL one and put milk in it (I prefer it black). No, Tuesday I was a ninny head and the result was no strength training and an upset tummy for the evening. Score. NOT.

Wednesday was a GRRRRREAT day! I knocked out 5 miles in the early morning. Ironically, I had to have a hat on because it was in the 30's still! (Go Huskies! Darn you 'Cuse!) I also got to take my new Nike running jacket on its inaugural tour. It was perfection in a garment! PLUS it has the thumb slits, win all around!
I had a meeting in the city, a perfect day to be in Manhattan! I was around 116th Street on the West Side, so after the meeting was done, I decided to walk to my friend's place on 87th Street. Why yes, that's about a thirty block walk...and I LOVED it! My love for NYC was renewed as any early spring day did its annual winter mood alteration. I ran into Tom's restaurant, AKA the Seinfeld restaurant, on the way. It's my dad's favorite show, yet I still haven't eaten there!
Today was no exception in the BEAUTIFUL WEATHER CATEGORY! I decided that I wanted to do a post-work run knowing the weather was going to be MORE than ideal. The logical option was to run home from work. I love all my coworkers who are in awe at this occurrence. Many of them gawked at my (geeky) fuel belt, with statements such as, "I can't believe you're running home!" or "It's just 4 miles away? Just?!" This was a nice motivator to get me on my way. I was reminded to be thankful for the ability and the discipline to run. I was reminded not to brush off the fact that, to many people, what is normal to me is hard to most.

I ran 5.5 miles in PRISTINE weather. I had 5 miles on the schedule, so I decided to meet Mr. Miller and Lambeau puppy at the park. (A certain canine is obsessed with all things park, which I believe is based on the variety of endless smelling opportunities!) Even though I felt a bit fatigued and got stuck at a bunch of stoplights, I ended up with a 10:29/mile pace, way better than I thought with all my stop and go's. When I got there, Mr. Miller and our friend were hitting a tennis ball onto a ginormous cement wall, with Lambeau puppy chasing it fruitlessly. This is a tired puppy:

I call this: "Fetch on an Ideal Concrete Jungle Day"

Did you enjoy some exemplary weather this week?! TELL ME ABOUT IT!

16 Days until the 13.1NYC Half Marathon!!!
58 Days until the Pittsburgh Half Marathon!!!


  1. ahhh i wanna go to tom's!!! also, congrats on your running!!! woo!

  2. Great job with your running this week!

  3. Ahh! I am majorly jealous of your gorgeous NYC weather! :) Way to run it out, girl!


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