Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, March 5, 2012

Glad Game Monday VII

If you're glad and you know it clap your hands (CLAP CLAP)! Yes, let's get glad with it and shout from the rooftops that it's Monday and we're glad we lived it!!! Why let the beginning of the work week, the end of a precious weekend gone by, ruin what could be a GREAT week?! So, say it loud, say it proud, say why you're glad!

I'm glad my New Balance ear warmer is still in my possession. My first three days of living in NYC, my car got broken into. What did they get? A brand new AC unit (FROM THE TRUNK, I'm not that stupid...) and my gym bag...full of my best gym/running stuff. USELESS to them. PRECIOUS to me. The one thing I didn't pack from my parent's house? My FAV ear warmer. I haven't managed to lose them yet! (They're about 7 years old and in PERFECT condition)
I'm glad Skype exists. My Grammy will always tell me, "My father said one day people were going to be able to see each other while they talked on the phone someday." Well, my great Grampy was right. My little E babies are now living in California, so I got to have a nice long chat with them and my sista. Miss you E babies! Miss you Waites!

I'm glad my new shoes arrived! Oh the power of Twitter. A new Mommy to a cutie pie posted on Twitter that Nike had a 20% off code for clearance on their website. What's a girl to do? Look for the Lunarglide 2's on sale, because the Lunarglide 3's just came out! (Don't worry, I checked the reviews and they all said there was minimal to no difference in the newbies. Stick with what's good AND on sale in my opinion!) I ended up getting TWO pairs for $50 each! HALF PRICE! Winning.
Speaking of winning...I'm glad Twitter exists! Another Mommy of a cutie pie posted on Twitter that Power Bar was giving away four entries to the Pittsburgh Half Marathon. So, I entered. Then I remembered the last time I was in Pittsburgh. Packers Game. December. Our 1st wedding anniversary. 15 degrees. We lost in the last 40 seconds. In overtime...
I'm glad I WON AN ENTRY INTO THE PITTSBURGH 1/2 MARATHON! Yahoo Power Bar, you ROCK! I am so excited! This is a big thing to win. Mr. Miller is excited because we will be attending a Pirates game the day before, knocking another baseball stadium off his bucket list item: "To visit every baseball stadium in the US". This is also my first non New York half marathon. Branching out here people!
I'm glad for a "no payment due" on a half marathon registration! Such a wonderful, yet foreign feeling!
I'm glad that my upcoming race is helping make a difference. Thank you, Danielle, for making a donation to World Vision on my behalf! Thank you to my coworker, Ms. Kiernan, who also made a donation! Watch this video to find out more about my work with Team World Vision. Wait, you also want to make a donation?! Well, why didn't you say so! Support me as I raise money to dig a deep water well in a village in Africa to provide CLEAN DRINKING WATER. No amount is too small...or too big ;-) See this post for more details.

What are you GLAD about today? TELL ME ABOUT IT! I'd love to hear it.

19 Days until the 13.1NYC Half Marathon!!!
61 Days until the Pittsburgh Half Marathon!!!


  1. wowee zowee, I'm so jealous of all the great stuff you got! congrats on cheap shoes and free race entry!!

  2. Gotta love the power of Twitter!

  3. Congrats on winning the entry in the Half Marathon! That is awesome!

  4. I am glad I was somehow able to log 14 miles of fitness without running last week (injury sidelined). :)

  5. Now this is a great Monday! Always exciting to win a free race entry!

  6. that's so awesome that you won!! wahooooooo!! :)


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