Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, June 11, 2012

Glad Game Monday XII

Glad? Today? I don't feel like it. The past couple of days have had STUPID things happening. In about 24 hours I was frustrated by a ton of little things collapsing together to put me in a mood. Ever felt like that? Here are a few examples:

My car got hit by an MTA (Public) bus. It was stupid, totally the bus driver's fault, but now we have to battle with the city to get the damage taken care of without making our insurance go up etc. We also had 3 EXTREMELY close calls with idiot drivers after this incident. Including getting out and yelling at one to get off her phone.

Then I got into a scuffle with a chair. Clearly the chair won. And I almost fainted. In front of fifth graders. Can you believe only ONE student out of 28 asked me if I was ok?!

Alright, enough Debbie Downer (Insert sound effect). Time to GET glad. It may be Monday, I may have a dented bumper, there may be a toe nail hanging on for dear life because I can't stand to even look at it, but hey, let's try to be glad about some good stuff!

I'm glad I'm seeing my E babies in less than two weeks. They moved to California. "Come back from California...all  us here in Astoria are starved for your attention..." (Lyrics by Copeland. Astoria reference by ME!)

I'm glad Mr. Miller suggested and perfectly executed a three mile run yesterday. He's doing great toward his health and fitness goals. I love my Boyz in the hood! Matching sweats! 

I'm glad that summer is close. They're coming. They're COMING!

I'm glad I decided to slave over spaghetti squash. It may be a labor of love, but it is healthy and delicious. I put ground turkey sauteed in tomato sauce and a teensy bit of sprinkled mozz cheese. YUM. Added bonus: I have enough for at least three more meals!


  1. I can't wait until the Olympics!!! That toe looks so painful! I love the glad game mondays though, they always make me smile!

  2. oh no, i'm so sorry there were so many bad things happening, but glad you found some bright spots of the day!

  3. Oh no! Way to find the silver lining in a crappy day! This week can only get better now! :)

  4. That pic of your hubby and puppy is adorable! :) Hope your car is ok!

  5. There are a few reasons why your insurance rate would go up. However, if yours has gone up all of a sudden and for no reason at all, and you didn’t have any claims before this accident, you should inquire about the increase. Some insurers have a less than perfect policy, so maybe it’s high time you switched providers.

    Elnora Cowger

  6. Although some mishaps happened, I can see that a lot of good things made Monday a very great day for you. I hope the problem with your car is already solved as of now, and I hope that was in favor of you – meaning, the amount you have to pay for your insurance didn’t go up. How are you now? I’m looking forward to your healed nail. :)

    -- Hershel Duffey

  7. Thinking about the rise of insurance premiums gives me hives. But my insurance agent was able to give some reasons behind this. He said that insurance premiums can be affected by certain factors like type and amount of risk, amount of coverage, applicant’s past and current lifestyle, and more. Now I have a better understanding why, and I’m glad that my insurance agent is there to explain everything to me. By the way, the next time you scuffle with a chair, be sure that you’ll win the fight. :D

    + Cayla Dupont +


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