Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Race Report: NYRR Women's Mini 10k

A great 10k Complete! I originally signed up to do this race with a friend from Connecticut who had to back out. As fate would have it, Ms. Kiernan was taken with race fever at my post 13.1 brunch that she signed up for the Mini 10k. At the brunch table. 

Mr. Miller was kind enough to drive myself and a fellow Astorian and blogger to midtown. We arrived around 7:05am, and I opted to wait for my friend Ms. Kiernan, joined by her friend Ms. Knese. By the time we met, it was almost 7:30am and we had to walk to the start. We didn't get there until 7:40am, and we took a couple of minutes to stretch after warming up with some powering walking. And by power walking, I mean that these girls were much taller than *I* so I was power walking! We took the time for some pre-race photos:

Mistake: Not getting to our corral in time. I had put 9:35 as my pace because that was my previous pace three years ago...yea 10k, it's been a while. The Ms. K's had put 10:00, so we would have decent corral placement. Alas, I wasn't watching the time close enough, and it was 6 minutes until the start, and we hadn't even started walking to the corral. I didn't know if they'd let us in, so we started from the back. Where people walk. And only walk. And get mad when you try to run.

Still, we executed race plan success! The plan was two easy miles to warm up, then to vamp it up in the last four miles. The beginning miles of weaving continually messed up our times, which were in the high ten's. After that we consistently had miles in the low 9's that felt easy despite hills, heat, and fatigue. 

The Ms. K's ROCKED! They ended up being 15 seconds ahead of me because they are FABULOUS runners. I was losing my will to run fast toward the end. I forgot to check the fluid station map, and there were only three. I'm used to drinking every mile, and with the humidity I think I was being affected. 

Finish time: 1:02:12, 10:01 pace. Garmin said 1:02:12 for 6.34 miles 9:50 pace. Whatev!

The best part about this race: YOU GET A MEDAL! Also, a close second to getting a medal: YOU GET A POPSICLE! With a joke! Not many 10k's that I know of give out medals AND popsicles. Score Mini 10k, SCORE.

Popsicle joke: What kind of pet does a miner have? Answer at the end of the post. 

Overall, the race went well.  I was proud of sticking to my race plan and having negative splits every. single. mile! I would be interested to see how I would do if I did a bit more speed work. No PR, but proud to have run a strong race.

I'm SO proud of the Ms. K's! They were fantastic. I loved running with them. Ms. Kiernan has signed up for the Hamptons half marathon, which I will be coaching her through. Rumor has it Ms. Knese is considering this adventure as well...stay tuned!

Did you race this weekend? Mini 10k? Half Marathon? Tough Mudder? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

146 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!

Answer: a GOLDfish


  1. What a fun 10K! Medals and Popsicles go hand in hand I think. Congrats on a fast race for all three of you!

  2. Such a fun race!! I loved seeing all these pictures via instagram :) Liking the new blog design as well :)

    Ps. You'll be golden if you get rid of the word verification...I promise I'm not a robot but it's kept me from commenting more than once...

  3. hooray, looks like a blast!!! Congrats on a great race. Love the new design and I'm late in saying this, but thanks for letting me guest post on friday!!


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