Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cross Training for a Marathon

It's the C-word of Marathon training! *C*ross training! I know I know, it often falls by the wayside for most of us. Me specifically? Around September, when schools starts and I'm clinging to the miles I have time to run like nobody's business....and BEGGING for the taper to start. (Odd, I know.) However, I'm currently excited about cross training because the local public pool has opened! Morning and even lap swimming is available at NYC public pools, and mine in particular is delightful. It was used as a qualifying pool for the 1936 and 1964 Olympics. HELLO inspiration!

Currently, I plan on swimming two days a week; more if time permits. Yesterday I swam 10 laps in the morning. This was not enough for this mermaid! Unfortunately, I have to leave for work BY 7:55 Monday and Tuesday, so I only got 20 minutes of swimming in! Obviously I went back last night, with a friend, and completed 20 more laps. 

30 laps total. LOVE the Hamptons Half Marathon Towel! PERFECT!

It's interesting to see pool etiquette. This includes staying to the right of the lane, flip turns are optional, checking to see if you can swim in the lane next, etc. Apparently, people take lots of breaks. I don't take breaks. I grew up swimming laps in my parent's pool (From 5 years old and beyond), and missed my calling as an Olympic swimmer. It was an awesome night last night, and I look forward to more cross training such as this!

Other cross training activities I love to do:

- Biking at the gym (EEK!)
- Kettle Bell swinging (Coming soon...when I get kettle bells...)
- Elliptical Trainer
- Rollerblading (Wish I was brave enough in NYC)
- Good old fashioned WALKING

After cross training in the evening, I did not know how my hill work run was going to go this morning. Oh, how did it go? MAJOR negative splits and a great average. I started out pretty slow, but I finally found my groove in hilly Astoria Park. I can't believe the difference having a coach makes. I know my times and splits are being sent in. I love it.

How about you?! How do you Cross train?! Is it a shameful thing in your life? Do you love it? Do you look forward to it?! Tell me about it!

115 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!


  1. I LOVE swimming laps! I'm from a much smaller city than NYC, but we are lucky to have a 50m public pool for lap and open swim. There is nothing like lap swimming outside. Since I'm often tri training I guess my cross training is yoga, Zumba, and water aerobics... Gotta mix it up!

  2. Nice! Other than the swimming and rollerblading I love all those other cross training activities.


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