Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, July 9, 2012

Glad Game Monday XVI

I'm back in the workforce, so maybe I have a case of the Monday's?! Nah. Today was the first day of summer school, and it went by quickly, so I can't complain! Plus it's only half a day, so, let's be real, plenty to be glad about! Whether you're feeling great entering Tuesday like me or you feel like you will not last without an extended vacation, let's get GLAD with it!

I'm glad I'm working summer school! Crazy but true. Winter vacation fund in full effect! To be honest, I did miss the kiddos. Loved seeing some of them today.

I'm glad that there was a BREAK in the heat wave! A cold chill on my run this morning? Enough said.

I'm glad that my sister and my niece came to visit me Sunday! We had such a great time! We got scones from Alice's Teacup (We weren't waiting an hour to sit in no AC and drink tea and eat scones!), walked through Central Park (BOTH of them were first timers!), shopped in Soho and found a Hipster restaurant to my niece's liking. Perfection in a day.

I'm glad that I got a running coach! Yes, it's true. I met someone at the July 4th BBQ and it was Runner Love at first sight! She's an amazing athlete and has run, oh, a million marathons. So, Coach C is rocking my world! The daily emailing makes me giddy, not going to lie.

I'm glad that I rocked out a tempo run today! Who, me? Yes! It's strange but true! Coach C is trying to gradually increase my speedwork by breaking down goal paces. Today's goal pace was 10:50/mile for four miles, with a warm up and cool down mile. Whoa, six miles on a Monday?! Well, it happened. I think I was nervous to be late for work and ended up doing negative splits with an average of 10:13. So, Coach C says that my newer goals will be lower. EEK.

I'm glad I had my first Walk/Run group with my teachers tonight! These awesome ladies showed up to try out the run/walk method. We did 3 minutes walking and 1 minute running. These ladies were fantastic! I think I even heard "Hey, that's not that bad." Many more are interested in coming next week. Let's get fit, teachers!

So, what are YOU glad about? Did you avoid chaffing on your hot long run this weekend? Did you eat strawberry shortcake? Were you happy to not feel hot WITH your AC on?! Tell me about it!!!

117 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!

1 comment:

  1. yay, sounds like a great monday! Especially that awesome tempo run. I'm pretty jealous, I wish I could do a six miler on a monday. I'm so so glad that there was a break in the heat too. I'm also glad for coffee, it's going to be my lifesaver these next 7 weeks for getting through work and school


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