Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Working out with your spouse is great

Mr. Miller is a great significant other. He has all the qualities I love: fun, caring, loving, responsible, organized and wicked smaht. One thing we haven't shared is our fitness endeavors. He would go through periods of going to the gym, which were usually after work, thus taking away time from when we would hang out together. We were completely separate in working out, islands unto ourselves.

Us, working out together? This would occasionally include me going on a run, and if it was over three miles he would join me for the first or last mile or two. We would go to the gym together, but I'm not a huge fan of weights so I was never super thrilled about it. This photo was during the taper for the marathon. Note: I'm extremely happy that he joined me for two miles...he looks tired and annoyed I'm taking a picture of our sweaty fun!

We run one race we do every year as a couple. This is an action shot from the Manchester Road Race Circa 2011. Mr. Miller is the one in the green shirt saying hello to a YOUNG Lambeau Puppy. I'm the one plodding on after a quick hello! Mr. Miller would train, often on the gym treadmill, and get up to about 3.5-4 miles so he wouldn't feel sick after the he did his first year.

Currently we are working out together more than ever before! Since Mr. Miller completed an awesome ten week fitness program, he has become excited and passionate about health and fitness. He came home tonight as I finally got myself to do a kettlebell workout. As I was doing it, he began to correct my form! Guess who has been using KBs with a KB expert at the gym?! My man. After my KB workout (All of 15 minutes is all I could take, it's such tough work!), I was going to the pool for a quick 10 laps. I convinced him to join because his legs were really sore; obviously the pool could help with that! I introduced him to the slow lane, where walking and running in the water is acceptable. I swam, he walked, and then we did some pool running/high knees running. It was a great way to spend a Wednesday night. Not to mention we ran 10 miles together on Saturday:

I am so happy that we have been making each other better, faster and stronger. Not only is it a healthy activity, but we're spending quality time pushing and motivating each other. Mr. Miller has even been talking about how excited he is to work out over vacation, going on early morning runs with me, and doing beach workouts! WHO IS THIS!? I like him. It has not always been this way, so here is my advice on how to become more active with your partner:

- Find an activity that you BOTH enjoy.
- Make a deal to try each other's activity of choice once a week.
- Create destination walks/runs/bikes (ie to a park, to a cafe etc).
- Try new things! Mr. Miller was NOT convinced pool walking/running would help him, and he loved it!
- Watch a movies that inspire you. Obviously the Olympics are currently helping to motivate!
- Involve your pet if you have one. Bring the dog on a short "family" jog!
- ENCOURAGE ENCOURAGE ENCOURAGE! This is the most important piece of all!

Do you work out with anyone? What keeps you motivated? Any special tips? TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!

94 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!! 


  1. This is so awesome! I'm proud of your husband and I barely know him :)

    Have to say I'm a bit jealous, we gotta get my hubby on the bandwagon!

  2. Thanks for the tips...we're currently on separate "islands" too...but that more has to do with us trying to balance 3 kids in the midst of getting in for now we work out separately while the other is with the kids! guys are challenging us to come up higher and try new things...thanks!

  3. Allan and I run together from time to time but he is much faster than I am so I hate slowing him down. Several of our races we run together and he helps pace me. It's wonderful to have a supportive running spouse.


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