Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, July 30, 2012

Glad Game Monday XIV

Well hello last Monday in July, didn't notice you SNEAKING up on me! I can't believe that August begins this week; where has the summer gone?! I'm determined more than ever to make it a  fun filled remaining four weeks. Today, however, I'm TIRED! I swam this morning, worked, lunched with a friend, and had to deal with getting an estimate on my car following the MTA bus that hit it....A MONTH AGO. It's the last week of summer school; YEA! It's slightly gloomy this week: BOO. Despite being upset with being told ALL the Olympic results BEFORE NBC decides to show them with continual commercials, let's get GLAD with things and try to focus on the good in our lives!!!

I'm glad the Olympics are on. OBVIOUSLY.

I'm glad wearing red, white and blue in an outfit is currently acceptable!

I'm glad that this restaurant exists. This hot up and coming brunch spot is reserved solely for double digit runs. Since my 10 miler Saturday was the first double digit run in a month, we decided to celebrate that with friends who were also involved in the fitness program Mr. Miller just completed! Hello fried chicken and waffles:

I'm glad that I got to wear my Olympic tank, found the Clapper at a thrift store, and started planning my 80's themed birthday party with party planner extraordinaire Mrs. Anders. Need I remind you of the legendary "A Party"?! Oh and yes, you did read that right. Currently a nightly round of singing "Clap on...clap off" and testing out the clapper has been taking place in the Miller house. 

I'm glad a college friend found a HILARIOUS joke gift I made for her! She posted this photo on my facebook page and I. lost. my. marbles! I was laughing so hard I started crying. These were my "chubbier days" when side profiles did NOT suit fact, I don't think side profiles suit me now either! Our adventures included climbing through indoor plants, avoiding icicles, and hiding near cereal? Oh college...the things we did with our free time...

I'm glad football season is almost here. I loved spending Saturday with the Anders, I can't wait to have regular company on Sundays! We got Lambeau a football toy for the season. So far it's been 24 hours and it hasn't had the stuffing ripped out...Football, 1, Lambeau Puppy 0. Oh yea, GO PACK GO!

I'm glad this pool exists in my neighborhood. It is beautiful with a sweeping bridge behind it. It's very grand. This morning's 10 laps was fairly quiet, not many ventured to the pool today. If I had more time I would have stayed so much longer; alas, work calls!

I'm glad that my coworkers continue to work hard at running! This was week 4 of our walk/run group and these ladies have been the go to faithfuls. This week we moved from only 3 minutes walking 1 minute walking to 2 minutes walking 1 minute running...and two sets of 2 minutes running! They have made amazing progress. I am SO proud of their hard work and dedication! At the end of every week they seem to say, "It's getting easier." or "That wasn't so bad."...always with smiles. LOVE THEM!

So, what are you glad about? Have you stumbled on some funny college photos lately? Are you on vacation? Did you celebrate National Cheesecake day (WE DID)?! TELL ME ABOUT IT!

96 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!


  1. I'm glad the weather has been excellent while I've been on vacation & that I've been able to spend time with my adorable 6 week niece!

  2. That USA tank is awesome. Patriotic, but in a non-gaudy way!

    I'm glad that the Olympics are on, too. Funny how random sports like badminton can be so exciting!

  3. I'm glad that even though the weather people keep predicting horrible, terrible, no-good, very bad, thunderstorms--they have been wrong almost every day!! And also you. I glad about you :)

  4. I was DYING over that pool pic when you posted it! WHAT A VIEW! :)


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