Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, January 6, 2013

#NoGymJanuary Update I: Online resources for working out

Even though it hasn't been a full week since New Years, it has been a productive #NoGymJanary. Despite a never ending cold front hitting NYC, I have successfully avoided the gym since January 1, 2013. With darkness still coming early, wind chill factors etc, this No Gym January has been no easy task...and it's only been 5 days! However, I am glad to say, I have been successful in avoiding the gym so far! Want to know what I've been up to? Well, here you go...

Tuesday: I ran 3.75 miles with Kim on New Years Day. It was SO cold and windy, but we got our miles in and rehashed our New Years revelry. Kim also got to meet Lambeau Puppy, although he wasn't on his best walking behavior due to the said windy weather...pansy.

Wednesday: 15 minutes of Yoga on Daily Burn! I know it was only 15 minutes, but I was not feeling well, exhausted from the first day after holiday break, and didn't feel like doing ANYTHING. Daily Burn SAVED. THE. DAY. This Yoga session was PERFECT, literally worked all parts of my body, plus it really focused on hips/hamstrings, exactly what I needed. I just started using this website, and I *HIGHLY* recommend it for anyone joining me in No Gym January, who doesn't have a gym with great classes, or thinks they would be more motivated by working out at home. They have a vast number of classes, a variety of levels, tracking, and a selection of times such as 0-20 minutes, 20-40 minutes, or 40-60 minutes.  The cost is $10 a month, less than ONE class at a gym/studio!

Thursday: I ran with my local run club! This was my first time actually joining them. I was very intimidated by this, and rightfully so. First of all, it was FREEZING:
 Feels like 22 degrees...running along the East River...even colder!

I went with Stephanie and her half marathon protege Emily, who just signed up for her first 26.2! Let's just say, we survived the 10k run. These runners were FAST. Something to chase? I wasn't even close. Thankfully a member stuck with us and showed us the route, a 3.1 mile out and back around our neighborhood.
 Vampires? No, we're frozen runners.

Friday: I taught Yoga club to third graders which included dance aerobics, yoga, push-ups, and planks. It was a good cross training day, since I still wasn't feeling 100%. I also foam rolled using this AWESOME site that is FREE: Fitsugar. I did a great foam rolling session, which was really informative since I just roll what I think needs to be rolled! There's a wide variety of videos on Fitsugar that target different body parts. Although these videos are relatively short, they can be done repeatedly or in a series to get a full body workout (Example: do arms, legs, and abs videos for a 20-30 minute workout! Click on each body part to check out a new workout!)

Saturday: Back to the Daily Burn! I did Power Pilates, tough stuff! My abs are sore, even when I'm not moving. I loved doing this in the comfort of my own home. Some Daily Burn workouts require equipment, such as weights, medicine balls, resistance bands, steps or kettlebells. I have everything except the medicine balls or steps; however, the instructor always includes alternate ways to do the exercise, which is helpful...especially when your abs are crying, your eyes are crying, and there's no end in sight during Russian Twists!

Sunday: do you believe in Miracles?! Yes! I ran my long run, 6 miles, with a 9:30 pace in mind. I'm following a bold training plan toward a sub 2 hour half marathon that has me running my long runs at a specific pace during my long runs. Well, today was 6 miles at 9:30, and after the running club sluggishness I decided to see what I had in me. Apparently it was this: 

6.01 with an 8:49/mile average. Whaaaaat? 

I blame it on the Packers winning their playoff game last night. Of COURSE my outfit made me speedier!

So, there you have it. I've had a fit week, filled with great classes and runs, with zero hours logged at the gym. I am so pumped for this next week!

What about you? Are you avoiding the gym this January? Are you a gym lover and enjoying the fresh  new enthusiasm? Are you frozen inside your home?! TELL ME ABOUT IT!

*Side note: Mr. Miller has joined a new gym and is SO happy. He has been going consistently, trying new classes, and thoroughly enjoying himself. I am so happy for him! The key to the best you is figuring out what circumstances will push you to work out and be the healthiest you can be. I applaud everyone trying anything!!! Keep up the great work!


  1. Love that graphic! Those are ALL the reasons I have for not woring out in e winter!! I cannot brave how cold (but really how WINDY) its been! So glad I got my butt outside to run a few days this week.... Then into the gym on the other days! I go to the planet fitness on 125th street... Totally empty all the time! Gonna check out e daily burn!

  2. I hit the gym twice last week, and fortunately it wasn't crazy. Yoga was packed this morning, though, with lots of new faces (which is great, of course!). One week down, 51 to go!

  3. I love this plan! I have a fitness center in my building that hasn't been too terribly crowded just yet, but the barre classes I take are filling up! Oy!

  4. I love this plan! I have a fitness center in my building that hasn't been too terribly crowded just yet, but the barre classes I take are filling up! Oy!

  5. Your commitment is an inspiration! While I slacked off last week (only hitting the gym for yoga), I'm re-committed this week. Admittedly, I am scared of running in the dark & cold near my house. Tomorrow is the day though. Awesome job!

  6. Yay, glad that no gym January is going so well for you. I used the gym when I was in undergrad and grad school and it was free but I prefer to work out at home now. I work from home so the idea of paying to work out somewhere and having to drive there is something I can't do.

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