Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Goals #lucky13 #makeitcount

2012 was great. I completed my second marathon, my fifth half marathon, and many little races in between! There were struggles, and there were triumphs. This year, I'm looking to getting back to my first love: the half marathon. This will be my 2013 mantra, thanks to a fabulous friend of mine:

2011 Mileage: 755 miles
2012 mileage: 806.5 miles
I plan to give my all in my 2013 half marathon training and execution. My goal race is going to be the 13.1 NYC on March 23, 2013. It will be my fourth year in a row running this race, in my school's community! This race means so much to me; all proceeds go to World Vision, and I often see students from my school along the course. So, what's the goal? 

I haven't PR'd in the half marathon in a couple of years. My current PR is 2:06, this needs to change. A 6 minute PR is a big jump, especially in a distance race. I am confident that it can be done. So, anyone wanting to pace me, by ALL means, sign up now! (Still trying to convince Mr. Miller to pace me!!!...are reading this honey? There is still time to sign up...)

Other goals for 2013:

- Cross Train 2-3 times a week. Whether on a cross training day, or after a run, I have too many tools to ignore all around fitness. From Insanity to kettlebells, there is plenty of material for me to change up my workout routines. 
- Stick to speed work...and figure out how to set my Garmin for it! I know that this will play a CRUCIAL role in my goal of a sub 2 half marathon. 

- Get new dressers and organize our clothes. This has been a HUGE issue. We had to create our own closet system because our apartment had three closets...outside our bedroom. Now it's exploding on itself, and the dressers aren't matching sets (pre-marriage buys). It's time to vamp up the apartment
- Love my husband more than ever. I believe love is a choice. I'm making the choice to love him beyond annoyances, petty issues, or bad days.

- Read three helpful books this year. This was last year's goal and I read a whopping two. SO bad. I'm a teacher. It's harder during the school year to do ANY sort of reading, I mainly stick to magazines and blogs. I'm thinking of getting some Amazon hunting done and finding some good books that will help me personally and spiritually. 

- Be the teacher they remember. I will count to 10 before getting frustrated. I will be patient and caring. I will give my best every day. 
- Complain less. Stay glass half full. Misery loves company, and miserable company is the worst. I will choose to not let the pettiness of issues, opinions, or more work (eek, scary) cause me to lose my joy. As Joyce Meyer says, "It's impossible to be negative and happy."

For fun: 
-Run a race in CT! I really want to get a seeded position for the Manchester Road Race so I can PR the heck out of it. The qualifying time for an under 40:00 card is 25:26 for a 5k...8:11 pace. Not sure that's possible, but hey, here's another goal!
- Travel somewhere foreign in April! We have a few ideas, hopefully it will happen.

How about you? Link in your New Years Goals/Resolutions/Commitments...can we all establish that those are synonyms?! ;-) TELL ME ABOUT IT!


  1. I love your idea about complaining less. That is such a good goal in particular! :)

  2. Happy New Year! Your goals sound fantastic! The perk of not being a big tv watcher and living/sleeping alone - I still get to read a lot home :)

  3. We love the Malm dressers form Ikea. Super cheap, they glide open nicely and have straight lines with the ability to hack them if you want and make them look fancier down the road. In the boys room we fit three of them in there and two are side by side creating lots of space on top and inside. :-) We like to maximize as much space as possible! lol


  4. You can totally make a 6 minute PR happen! Work hard and believe in yourself and you've got that sub 2!

  5. Great goals! While I haven't set any fitness goals, I likely need to in order to stay focused and committed. We have a few of the same personal goals (less complaining, love my husband better, etc.). Let's take on 2013!

  6. Good luck with your 2013 goals! These sound like several good ones that cover so many different areas of your life.


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