Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, February 11, 2013

I love snowy days and snowy runs

My favorite book to read to my students is The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. I read it to my students every time a storm is impending, and they love every minute of it.

This weekend was like an eternal snowy day. I walked Lambeau puppy in the snow, went for two amazing runs (4 miles Saturday, 9 miles today) in the snow, and received repeated scenic photos from my friends and family. Here are a few of my favorites:

Sorry Seth Meyers, there is no such thing as too many snow pictures! 

 Astoria Park and East River via Slice of Life

East River path was barely plowed but passable! Via Slice of Life

Sledding in Astoria Park outside my beloved pool!  

The happiest you'll ever see me. Ran 9 miles with Stephanie. Despite some treacherous conditions, I covered 9 miles with a 10:21/mile average, Steph ran for 12! 

 My parents house! The door from their garage to their driveway. They got 27 inches of snow. Thankfully they retained their power, plowed their driveway and were SAFE!

My nephew McAuliffe#4! Snow was basically as tall as them. They got 30 inches!

Want more winter fun? Check out some great reads with pretty pictures!

Ashley's scaled a mountain! Her snow run trumps any and all snow photos!
Jen ran 9 miles one day post blizzard
Michelle's snowy Lulu Lemon Group run!
Not a snowy run, but Michelle ran 20 miles on the treadmill AND had cute snowy fun!
Last, and certainly not least, the most gorgeous snow proposal photo and story in Central Park. Tears.

Have you had any snowy fun lately? Do you want to tackle snow clothes clad children in the white fluffy stuff? Do you prefer to stay indoors? Does snow make you feel like a kid again?! Tell me about it!!!


  1. That snow drift is awesome!! :) I haven't had many snowy adventures lately, but I'm heading to Alaska to play in the snow soon. Now if only I could remember what I need to take.

  2. you make the snow look way more awesome than it does here. The problem we have had is that we get a few inches, but it's always the slushy kind. Not good for playing in! Awesome job tackling 9 miles in it too. After the snow melts, you're going to be a speed demon if you could still handle a good pace when it's bad out.

  3. Never too many snow pictures! I don't really like snow because in Washington, snow meant you couldn't get anywhere since Washingtonians have no idea how to drive in the snow (despite being so far north, we rarely get much snow, so as much as NYC got this past weekend would have crippled my hometown). But in NYC, snow is just fun, as long as I wear rubber boots!

  4. Way to go with another snowy run!!! Love it! And I can't believe the pic at your parents! SO MUCH SNOW!!


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