Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Well, it was semi warm!

HELLO +40 degrees! Last night I joined my run club for their hill workout. Unfortunately, our hill repeats were still slush/ice/mostly slush laden. We opted for a route similar to our 10k route along the East River with some hills mixed in. 4-5 miles. UGH. I promised Mr. Miller I'd be home "early" from this run because it was only 5k! I cut the run short and ran 3.10 at 8:59/mile pace. AMAZING for me considering it was a night run, NOT my forte! No matter what the weather, we just need a road....right?!

What was so great about this run? THE WEATHER! It was 43 degrees and 85% humidity when I was getting ready to leave, AKA shorts and a long sleeve weather! (Weather over 40 degrees deserves shorts!) There may have been some "Are you crazy? It's drizzling!" looks; but in shorts I came, happy as a clam. As we lined up to begin we were greeted by extremely DENSE fog. The pictures (and views) were absolutely stunning: 

Triboro bridge; Manhattan is indeed in the background! The fog is hiding it! 

Hellgate Bridge in the run club's namesake. So GORGEOUS. Unfortunately, snow on the bridge was not easily pictured!

How about you?! Do you run with a run club? Do you enjoy drastic weather change? Do you have a temperature rule for apparel? TELL ME ABOUT IT!


  1. I race with a club and occasionally train with a few members. I run in shorts until about 40-45, even in the rain if I'm not going too long (10 mi or less). I don't like dramatic fluctuations in the temperature, my sinuses HATE it.

  2. I feel like I would be better off with a club, but between the regularly scheduled running, yoga classes, hubby's work outs, volunteering and life..... There's just simply not enough time in the day.

  3. I sometimes run with the Lululemon Long Run Club on Saturdays, but it's a bit far from my apartment so that doesn't happen super often. I love running with friends, though! It just makes things more fun :)


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