Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A balanced diet while training

I love food, let's be clear about that. I love to cook food, I love trying new food, and I certainly love the benefits of distance running and the amount of food it requires. However, I'm not in marathon training, I'm in HALF marathon training. My body missed that memo after the Philly Marathon. During my running hiatus in December, I kept eating like I was still marathon training. Oh, and a Christmas cookie with my coffee every morning also happened. Then the holiday parties. Anniversary celebration. Christmas. New Years. 

I prefer: never! :-) For great jokes about losing weight and diet humor visit

In January I noticed my pants were DEFINITELY tighter. Well, it didn't matter, because I was beginning a training cycle for a half marathon! SCORE! Nope. Those extra pounds have clung to me with all their might. Last week I was fed up. My sentiments were very similar to Jen's. The number on the scale was far from my "happy number", which is a reasonable number considering my height etc. 

Daddy said, "Ill start my diet next week. but first i gotta finish off that last tub of ice cream in there".  No joke.

I received a bit of encouragement from my friend Kim. Everyone is more than willing to tell me, "You look great!" or "You exercise all the time, you're fine." Kim helped me realize the difference for me is that I know I am not at my best and know I need to make some changes. The danger is when those changes are ignored and turn into bigger gains, an even larger challenge to overcome. 

no #diet - eat healthy

So, I went back to the basics. My plan includes: 

1. Logging all my food on My Fitness Pal
2. Keep up with my regular exercise routines 
3. Eat clean (duh)
4. Make smart choices when I eat out. 

This week, it wasn't easy. Changing your habits is never easy. The fuel demands of a half marathon are certainly less than a full marathon, and I finally got back to measuring portions, not having seconds (or thirds...), and the oreos remained in the container untouched all. week. long. 


This week, I finally saw success. I saw the scale move, and I was so proud. I'm not insisting I have to be "skinny"; I simply want to be comfortable. I'm finally on the road back to being comfortable with how I look and feel.

Here's to a successful long run tomorrow, and another successful week!

How about you? Do you have a happy weight? Do you scoff at diets? Did you bask in the glorious sun this weekend? Tell me about it!


  1. I haven't really taken a huge training hiatus in awhile, but when I do, my appetite usually drops off with it too. When I find my diet to cluttered with junk, I try to prioritize veggies and including them in every meal. The moment I use the words diet, calorie counting, or can't have, I think of food constantly. Restricting has always backfired on me big time.

    I agree on taking care of it before gain becomes a bigger, more difficult problem. As Americans, I think we have a slightly skewed view on what looks fine, too. Only you know what feels right to you, go with it. :)

  2. I really need to check out My Fitness Pal. If anything, I'd love to log what I am eating more closely. Keep it up, girl!

  3. Great job this week! You know it's all about balance but also feeling happy and comfortable in your own skin! Keep it up!

  4. girl, I hear ya! I have a rule for myself that I cannot buy jeans in a size up from what I wear. I haven't had kids or any other reason for my body to be changing, once I go one up one size, what would be stopping me from going up 7?

    I use the lose it app on occasion when I can feel myself enjoying loaded nachos once too often. It makes a huge difference to me to know what I'm eating.

    Nice job focusing on eating better foods for your health!

  5. Good for you for having a successful first week! Ugh! I think not having seconds (and thirds) is the hardest. And only having ONE oreo. I have been losing weight nice and slow this year, and have noticed how much better it makes me feel, as your friend Kim pointed out to you! It's hard to remember that sometimes though. Thanks for writing this!

  6. It's SO hard to keep up good habits when training! Glad to know I'm not the only one struggling. Hopefully post 13.1 it'll be a bit easier :)

  7. Woman, I hear you about the marathon appetite sticking around when there is no marathon training. Same thing happened here. Glad to know I'm not the only one who noticed their jeans fitting a little tighter. I started keeping track of my food last week on My Fitness Pal app as well!! Here's to taking it day at a time and one good choice followed by another!!

  8. Get it girl! It's been tough this week since I've been taking time off from running to let me calf heal. I've haven't kept up with any cross training (everything seemed to put pressure on my calf), but I'm ready to refocus on food in combination with exercise as well!

  9. Love it! I gotta say, I have been way too tempted by food recently and indulged in a bit too many cookies or other treats. But I do try to be good most of the time....

    But I am not very good at measuring or logging my food. I have way too much to do. I should. I have. I just don't stick to it. Instead I log my runs in two places, track miles on my running shoes, etc. It seems I could have the time if I made it a priority.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!

  10. Thanks for dropping by my site! I also use My Fitness Pal whenever I feel like I need to watch what I eat for a period of time. It really does work!


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