Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, March 15, 2013

I'm running for clean drinking water

The other night, my friends and I discussed things we can't live without. A lot of people struggled with this question, but I knew my answer right away: water. I never leave the house without it; if I forget my bottle, I buy one immediately. I never run without water because I dehydrate very easily.

I'm running the Allstate 13.1 NYC Half Marathon for Team World Vision. This is my fourth time running this race, whose proceeds go to World Vision. I raise money to provide African Villages with Deep Water Well Pumps. These pumps save children from having to walk 10-20 miles round trip to carry DIRTY drinking water for their family, keeping them out of school. This dirty drinking water perpetuates disease and sickness in an already disease and sickness ridden land. 

I run to supply villages with the ability to pump their own water, enabling children to attend school. World Vision also trains locals to manage and fix the pumps if broken, ensuring that they will have clean drinking water for years to come.

I am so excited to run for World Vision. Every experience I've had with them has been positive. I'm excited about the work they're doing, and to support others to receive what I openly can't live without: water. If you are interested in my experiences with world vision, watch this video. If you are interested in donating, please click this link. If you are interested in cheering me on, come to the Allstate 13.1 NYC on 3/23 to see hundreds of Team World Vision runners pounding the pavement for this cause!

How about you? Do you have a charity that you run with? Do you choose races based on what charity or cause they support? What can't you live without? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

7 days until the 13.1 NYC Sub 2 or Bust Bonanza!
8 days until traveling to P.R. with a PR!


  1. What an awesome cause. Cannot wait to cheer you on to your goal!!!

  2. I love when people run for a cause :) Have you checked into Charity Miles? AWESOME App!! Every mile you run they donate .25 through Corporate Sponsorship to the charity you choose. I also do a lot of local races where my registration goes to support the cause. It's an awesome atmosphere over some of the bigger races

    I run for Native Energy and the Nature Conservancy myself. I run through Forest Park a lot and I believe firmly in conserving nature and the environment. Clean air is CRUCIAL for runners.

  3. I think its great that you run for a cause. I haven't yet, but when I do decide to it will probably be for CCFA ( as a runner with ulcertative colitis it seems like I should!)


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