Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The highs and lows of NOT training for a marathon

This is the first summer in two years that I am not training for the NYC Marathon. My first year was all roses and birds chirping, and my second year was determination to better my time with a more intense training cycle. This summer? NADA. I am running when I want to, doing fun things, and not caring if I miss a run. Insert SHOCK and AWE! This has been a huge mental shift, and I have noticed the differences already.

Here are a list of highs and lows of NOT training for a marathon when:

Instead of long running on Saturdays, I can bring Lambeau Puppy to the park with his puppy friend Brady during the off the leash hours, which end at 9am! 

High: He is so happy to roam the park and make puppy friends!
Low: Seeing my running club running laps around the amazing the heat. Sigh.

People are posting on Twitter or blogs about how their training cycle is going.

High: I'm not committed to ANYTHING!
Low: Hard working runners will get a pretty medal soon.

 NYRR Had a time sensitive flash sale on marathon training gear.

High: I don't have to spend money on overpriced Asics clothes, despite the sale!
Low: I really like that hat. A LOT.

My weekend plans are WIDE open! I'm not committed to a 10+ mile long run!

High: We can do fun things like weekend trips, events, or hiking!
Low: I can't justify eating special treats from Queen's Comfort.

I'm cross training more! Check out my guest blog on Running Bun!

Highs: I feel more fit and toned!
Lows: Cross training more is hard. Like nausea inducing hard!

I get to sleep in if I want. And by sleep in, I mean 7am.

Via This is my friend's baby. I'm still in love with these photos. Clearly Lambeau and I look like this!

I get to work out with Mr. Miller more. Since I'm not determined to get my workout done ASAP in the early morning, we try to coordinate a couple of workouts a week to do together.

Highs: We get to spend more time together!
Lows: I feel lazy until the evening workout!

Verdict: I'm okay with not being in official marathon training, I just need to do some long runs to get back to Queens Comfort!

How about you? What are you training for? Are you "on a break" from training? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

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