Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Goals in Review

It's that time of year again: goal making. Reflecting. Resolutioning! I forgot to do a mid-year goal check in, which probably would've helped me stay on track! In case you missed the earth altering post, check it out here.

Here are the results: all can stop waiting up at night wondering how my 2012 goals went!

1. Stay organized.  I did not do so well with this, but I have created a cleaning list for each day of the week, so I guess this was a 75% success!

2. Put in more thoughtfulness into relationships.  I sent more cards this year than last year, I call it a success!

3. Read three books that will help me this year. I read TWO books. One was called Radical and the other Heaven is for Real. I recommend both. 
4. Complain less. I always start this well, and then I lose it. I'd say I complained less this year than last year; success. 

1. Help new runners complete challenging races. SUCCESS! I helped my friend Mrs. Gray finish her first half marathon!!! I also helped my friend train for her first 10k and half marathon. Boom. Helpful Hannah here!
2. Cross train regularly. Just like last year, I had grand plans to stick to cross training, not let it fall by the wayside...and then the school year began. BLAH. This year this is no excuse; I know way more about pylometrics, I own kettlebells, it's happening.
3. Try workouts from Shape magazine at least once. I DID THIS! I did *ONE* workout from Shape. Next year the goal will be two. I aim high.
4. Run races that benefit causes close to my heart. I ran the 13.1 NYC which is very close to my heart, and that's about all I did. I'm okay with that.
5. Get 100 followers on the ol bloggy blog! Nope. Unless all you 35 adoring fans who have held out until now join, this one will remain for next year!

How about you?! Did you meet all your 2012 goals/resolutions? Do you check in annually with your goals throughout the year? Do you scrap goals/resolutions altogether to buck the system?! Tell me about it!


  1. Beth @RxBethOnTheRunDecember 29, 2012 at 2:27 PM

    I did NOT achieve all of my 2012 goals that I set for myself. I did achieve a pretty major one though and ran my first (and second) half marathon! I pushed myself WAY outside my comfort zone this year, so I'm calling that a big WIN this year! DREAMING BIG for 2013!

  2. I had 10 goals and I completed 1- 100% and still have a small chance to pull together a 2nd 100%. Overall there was progress but still room for growth. I'll have my recap up sunday/monday :)


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