Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, December 31, 2012

No Gym January

We all know how it feels. Brand New Year. New You. Goals. Resolutions. Gym deals. CROWDED. GYM. I've found when I've gone to the gym I get more frustrated, end up cutting my workouts short, or waste time waiting for machines. 

Via  Been there. Done that.

Insert: NO GYM JANUARY. I have decided to buck the system, go against the trend, and sweat it out outdoors and in my home. Between my kettle bells that have gotten a bit dusty, my insanity dvds, and online resources, I have decided that I'm taking my workouts into my own hands. I'm not going to let crowded gym hours determine how much, how long, or how positive my workouts will be. I want to help people get in shape who suffer under "I don't have time to work out" or "I don't have the money for a gym membership"  with an internet connection, a few pieces of equipment, and a willing participant!

Via This walrus does not need the gym!!! ... although he does have a trainer...

Will you join me? I will be posting every Sunday with workout ideas and links to helpful blogs, weekly recaps, and recipes. Please feel free to take the picture above and post about it as well!

*NOTE: If you are going to the gym for a change in January, I APPLAUD you. I've been there. I'm not trying to put down anyone who is making a new commitment to a gym. I personally go to a very cheap gym ($10 a month) which is insanely popular, especially once the New Year rings in. I'm doing this to utilize my knowledge, my tools and my creativity to show that workouts can be done without the gym.

What's your gym opinion? Do you go at odd hours to avoid crowds? Are you a non-gym member to begin with? Could you care less about the January Gym crowd? TELL ME ABOUT IT!


  1. Gooooo Kristin! I'll happily join you for as many outdoor chilly miles as our schedules allow! :)

  2. Love this! I definitely want to give it a try! I'm worried about darkness effecting my outdoor running, but I've got enough at-home DVDs to make this happen. I won't count my yoga classes though (just hope they don't become overcrowded)!

  3. If I hadn't JUST rejoined a gym at the beginning of break I would be in! I'm secretly looking forward to some date with the treadmill and some RLRF workouts.


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