Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, May 13, 2013

Glad Game Monday XXV

I saw this on Facebook and don't remember where it's from. It's hilarious. That's literally me.

Well, it's that day we all love and adore! Back to the grind after a whirlwind weekend of long runs, visiting family and friends, with lots of driving in between. Despite an INSANE cold front approaching, let's get glad about things that remind us that there is more to life than Monday blues and breaking out the winter coat you laid to rest weeks ago.

I'm glad I got to spend Mother's Day with my mommy! We had a great Saturday and Sunday together. Sunday we went for a walk with the puppy dogs and it was simply beautiful. 

Sweet Annie dog doesn't pose for photos, she just likes action shots!

I'm glad Lambeau Puppy got to spend some time in the great outdoors! I know I know, he's a dog...but he needed to get out and stretch his legs! We walk him tons and bring him to the park, but getting into the suburbs is so fun for him!

Lambeau on the other hand loves to pose for photos...or rather he spotted a squirrel...

I'm glad summer is COMING! There are 33 school days left in the school year!!! I can't WAIT for my traditional summer fun, including....

 MY POOL! It's free, lap swimming in the morning, incredible views, sigh. I can't wait to dip in!

 THE BEACH! Contrary to popular belief, there are a lot of beaches within an hour of NYC!

 Bryant Park Movies by HBO! I've been stalking the website since March...I can't wait for a Monday movie night in the park!...also, looking forward to being TAN.

SUMMER STREETS! Enough said.

FREE Yoga in Bryant Park and other free fitness classes outdoors!

I'm glad that the Brooklyn Half Marathon is this weekend! Lucky Number 7 is just days away! I'm glad the weather looks clear of rain, that I'm joining a bunch of friends in pounding the pavement, and for some new race bling to add to the collection! Goal post coming soon...stay tuned. 

How about you? Is there anything you are super glad about? Did you have a rough Monday? Are you racing this weekend? TELL ME ABOUT IT!


  1. I had an awful Monday but thankfully it's over and tomorrow is a new day! I'm SUPER GLAD to be running the Brooklyn Half Marathon this weekend with so many amazing friends! Should be a really fun day :) Bring on the new race bling! And champagne, of course ;)

  2. Lucky #7!!! You can do it!! :)

    I'm running my 10th marathon in the same place I ran my first race 10 years ago. I'm hoping similar luck from that combo too.
    Just for extra luck, you should get Lambeau puppy to wear his Packer jersey for us on Sunday!

  3. Lucky #7 is sure to be a great race for you! Good luck!

  4. Okay so this post made me want to do ALL of these before I move!!


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